ISESCO participates in the closing ceremony of a project to improve the mental health of the children of the Gaza Strip through music

The Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ISESCO) participated in the closing ceremony of the “Enjoy Your Life with Music” project, which was organized in Gaza by the Palestinian National Committee for Education, Culture and Science, in partnership with the Sununu Association for Culture and Arts, and funded by ISESCO, with the aim of improving the mental health of the children of the Gaza Strip. , especially those who have been exposed to violence and suffer from post-traumatic stress, through music therapy, as a positive creative expressive method, believing in its importance in providing psychological support to children, and motivating them to unleash their abilities.

A statement by ISESCO – today, Sunday – stated that Dr. Muhammad Zain al-Abidin, Director of the Culture and Communication Sector represented ISESCO in the ceremony, through visual communication technology, as he stressed the world’s need for peace and tranquility, away from the sounds of weapons, noting that music has deep philosophical dimensions, and its impact is unique. It is the language that all human beings understand in their various tongues.

He added that ISESCO is working to promote the concept of peace and its values, and its belief in the role of youth in building a culture of peace, it has launched a package of programs to train them and build their capacities in various fields, such as consolidating the values ​​of peace and coexistence, promoting technology and innovation, and strategic foresight.

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