a quiz game to tell the difference between AI photos and human snapshots

2024-08-02 16:44:50

Humans have always used their scientific knowledge to try to reproduce their own reasoning capacity. However, the ChatGPT phenomenon has recently allowed the entire world population to become aware of a real social fact: the content generated by generative AI is now part of our daily lives. And since we often try to pass them off as human productions, learning to spot them has become a real challenge. This is why theapplication IsBot was created: this quiz game trains you to tell the difference between an AI photo and a human snapshot, in order to train your critical thinking. What exactly is it?

Why was the IsBot app created?

Indeed, authentic media content and creations entirely derived from generative AI now rub shoulders in the social space. However, if this innovation proves fascinating on a scientific level, it also causes a stir a great risk to our democratic societies. Because the result is worrying: it has now become extremely difficult to tell the difference between an AI photo and a human snapshot.

In doing so, It has also become particularly easy to spread fake news in newspapers or on the web, relying on these sometimes more real-life images. Particularly in a context where critical media education is struggling to find a place in school curricula! It is therefore to combat these risks that an independent developer has decided to create theapplication de quiz IsBot and make it available on Google Play Store. A lifesaving tool in these uncertain times.

For now, the IsBot app is only available on Android. But it’s a safe bet that the situation will change quickly given its social utility. This quiz game has only one goal: to allow you to forge a critical look at media sources and modes of communication current. To do this, two main game modes are offered to the user.

First, the “one image” mode presents the player with a succession of images. Each time, the goal is to determine if the active image was generated by an AI or if it is the result of human photography work. If successful, we move on to the next image. On the other hand, the “two images” mode places the user in front of a choice, since it is then pairs of images that are presented. Here, the idea is to put in place strategies to determine which of the two is authentic.

Different game modes to learn how to tell the difference between an AI photo and a human snapshot

How to use these two game modes offered by the IsBot application to learn how to tell the difference between an AI photo and a human snapshot? To do this, you can first choose tostart a game “by level”. You will then play solo, alternating between “one image” and “two images” modes. At each level, you will have to accumulate a certain number of points to move up to the next level. And obviously, the difficulty will increase!

This will allow you to develop increasingly relevant and effective strategies to distinguish reality from deception. Once you have sharpened your eye sufficiently, you can then join the “competition” game mode, which will pit you against other players who have also downloaded the application from the Google Play Store. A great way to learn together. Be careful, because the speed of your answers will then be taken into account for the awarding of points!

#quiz #game #difference #photos #human #snapshots



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