Is Zhao Liying’s child the benefactor’s? Pan Yueming’s girlfriend hates Dong Jie? Ma Rong prevented Wang Baoqiang from remarrying? Zhang Zifeng was lowered? Ma Sichun and Zhou Dongyu? A certain male star has a sex addiction?Small pickle question and answer reply

Original title: Zhao Liying’s child belongs to the benefactor? Pan Yueming’s girlfriend hates Dong Jie? Ma Rong prevented Wang Baoqiang from remarrying? Zhang Zifeng was lowered? Ma Sichun and Zhou Dongyu? A certain male star has a sex addiction?Small pickle question and answer reply

I didn’t expect that the photos of Wang Baoqiang and his new girlfriend could also attract controversy. This girlfriend was actually picked out of her identity before. She is the runner-up of Miss World and has a relatively successful career. She is not short, so some people complain about Wang Baoqiang , It seems that I can’t hold this girlfriend, saying that this girlfriend may also be Tu Wang Baoqiang’s money or something, complaining that she is the next Ma Rong, and even Ma Rong is also on the hot search. In fact, it was really unnecessary. Ma Rong was very high-profile back then, partly because she wanted to market herself, but both Wang Baoqiang and this girlfriend were very low-key. Besides, Wang Baoqiang is a pretty good person. At the beginning, Ma Rong and his agent had been trying to find Wang Baoqiang’s black material to bring him down, but they failed in the end. It can also be seen that he is a pretty good person in private. Now he is in the entertainment industry. His status is not bad, and I hope he and this girlfriend can go well, but Ma Rong still wants to stop the two of them getting married. Ma has a child on his side, so he has a lot of thoughts.

2. Zhang Zifeng was lowered?

2. Zhang Zifeng was lowered?

Zhang Zifeng’s current word-of-mouth and popularity are indeed not as good as before. She was originally a leader in Xiaohua. Since this love affair was exposed, she has been complaining about it again. Being in love is not a problem, mainly because of her love object Yan Xujia, was exposed more than once before, but in the face of many revelations, Zhang Zifeng still did not waver, and the date with her boyfriend was also photographed later, it was still very sweet, and some people said that the two are getting more and more alike now .

But the team obviously doesn’t like too much news about Zhang Zifeng’s love affair, and often avoids press releases in this regard, and is still trying to change Zhang Zifeng’s image and let her create some new topics. Let’s just say that some time ago, Zhang Zifeng lost a lot of weight, and some people speculated whether he was in a bad state after breaking up, so he lost weight! Actually not, the team wanted Zhang Zifeng to try more looks, so they forced her to lose weight. As far as I know, her relationship has been very stable. Today, paparazzi broke the news that the two did not break up. They were together years ago. There are melons complaining that Zhang Zifeng was lowered. To be honest, since Zhang Zifeng doesn’t think these revelations are a problem, it’s useless for others to say more, and she is also a little bit in love.

Zhang Zifeng’s current word-of-mouth and popularity are indeed not as good as before. She was originally a leader in Xiaohua. Since this love affair was exposed, she has been complaining about it again. Being in love is not a problem, mainly because of her love object Yan Xujia, was exposed more than once before, but in the face of many revelations, Zhang Zifeng still did not waver, and the date with her boyfriend was also photographed later, it was still very sweet, and some people said that the two are getting more and more alike now .

But the team obviously doesn’t like too much news about Zhang Zifeng’s love affair, and often avoids press releases in this regard, and is still trying to change Zhang Zifeng’s image and let her create some new topics. Let’s just say that some time ago, Zhang Zifeng lost a lot of weight, and some people speculated whether he was in a bad state after breaking up, so he lost weight! Actually not, the team wanted Zhang Zifeng to try more looks, so they forced her to lose weight. As far as I know, her relationship has been very stable. Today, paparazzi broke the news that the two did not break up. They were together years ago. There are melons complaining that Zhang Zifeng was lowered. To be honest, since Zhang Zifeng doesn’t think these revelations are a problem, it’s useless for others to say more, and she is also a little bit in love.

3. Does Zhao Liying’s child have an inside story?

3. Does Zhao Liying’s child have an inside story?

Today there is an anonymous melon, which is very interesting. It is said that there is a post-85 female star. She was the mistress of a certain funder a few years ago, and then she became pregnant by accident. The funder wanted this child but did not want to marry her, so she Arranged a fake marriage between a female celebrity and a male celebrity, and successfully gave birth to a son. The male celebrity has an interest relationship with the sponsor, and has been cooperating with the acting. This melon was very exciting at first glance, and immediately people began to guess who this female star was, and the most guessed in the comments was actually Zhao Liying.

Because Zhao Liying married Feng Shaofeng very suddenly at that time, the divorce was also very sudden, and the two were very peaceful, and it felt like it was for the children, so there was this speculation, but I want to refute the rumor, it is not Zhao Liying, although there has always been such a rumor , but Zhao Liying and Feng Shaofeng did have a child together back then, and they got married because of this. There was no financial support involved, and Zhao Liying was 85, if the news broke, it would definitely use this gimmick, and would not use the description of post-85 . Some people have speculated that it was Miao Miao and Zheng Kai. This speculation has been going on for a long time, but they both have a second child now, and the couple’s variety show is also on, so this theory should be stopped. This melon actually looks a bit fake, bitches think about it, many couples in the entertainment industry have heard similar statements, anyone can substitute it.

Because Zhao Liying married Feng Shaofeng very suddenly at that time, the divorce was also very sudden, and the two were very peaceful, and it felt like it was for the children, so there was this speculation, but I want to refute the rumor, it is not Zhao Liying, although there has always been such a rumor , but Zhao Liying and Feng Shaofeng did have a child together back then, and they got married because of this. There was no financial support involved, and Zhao Liying was 85, if the news broke, it would definitely use this gimmick, and would not use the description of post-85 . Some people have speculated that it was Miao Miao and Zheng Kai. This speculation has been going on for a long time, but they both have a second child now, and the couple’s variety show is also on, so this theory should be stopped. This melon actually looks a bit fake, bitches think about it, many couples in the entertainment industry have heard similar statements, anyone can substitute it.

4. Ma Sichun and Zhou Dongyu?

4. Ma Sichun and Zhou Dongyu?

Speaking of Ma Sichun and Zhou Dongyu, these are relatively well-known plastic sisters in the circle. After all, the relationship was so close after the cooperation, and they didn’t mention each other for some reason. Something must have gone wrong in the middle. I think she connoted Ma Sichun in the awards ceremony, and later she often said that Ma Sichun was fat and so on. But recently the relationship between the two has obviously improved again. Before Ma Sichun’s new movie was released, Zhou Dongyu went to support it. Later, someone photographed the two climbing a mountain together. Today, paparazzi photographed the two of them eating together, and with Ma Sichun’s mother. It feels like a good sister again.

However, in the comment area, there are many people complaining, saying that these two people are obviously playing together again for the sake of popularity and profit, and directly said “together eight hundred hearts”. However, although the relationship between these two people has become much colder, they have not really broken up, it is just a question of how much they have contacted. In the later period, Ma Sichun faced more problems in career and love, and his health was not good. At that time, Zhou Dongyu was also a career Just like at the height of the sun, naturally alienated a lot. Now that Ma Sichun is about to start business, it is normal for the two to get in touch again, and some people complain that Ma Sichun should learn from Zhou Dongyu how to judge men. I feel that Zhou Dongyu has a much better vision in this regard than Ma Sichun.

However, in the comment area, there are many people complaining, saying that these two people are obviously playing together again for the sake of popularity and profit, and directly said “together eight hundred hearts”. However, although the relationship between these two people has become much colder, they have not really broken up, it is just a question of how much they have contacted. In the later period, Ma Sichun faced more problems in career and love, and his health was not good. At that time, Zhou Dongyu was also a career Just like at the height of the sun, naturally alienated a lot. Now that Ma Sichun is about to start business, it is normal for the two to get in touch again, and some people complain that Ma Sichun should learn from Zhou Dongyu how to judge men. I feel that Zhou Dongyu has a much better vision in this regard than Ma Sichun.

5. Dong Jie’s new boyfriend was picked up?

5. Dong Jie’s new boyfriend was picked up?

Speaking of Dong Jie and Pan Yueming, since the two reconciled, many people have asked Xiaopa whether they have reconciled or reunited? Xiaopa also said before that Pan Yueming and his current girlfriend are actually married. Besides, when Pan Yueming and Dong Jie made trouble like that, there is no way to get back together. Cheating is still a small problem, and the big problem is splashing dirty water and not letting children see. So it is a miracle that they can reconcile now, and today there are paparazzi who broke the news about Dong Jie’s new boyfriend, saying that he is her assistant!

The paparazzi said that in some photos taken by the media before, the relationship between the two is relatively close. I also asked people who are more familiar with Dong Jie to verify that the two have been together for a long time. Now Dong Jie is more cautious in her relationship. Someone asked in the comments immediately, did Dong Jie and Wang Dazhi break up? They broke up a long time ago, and they broke up after being exposed that year, and the two of them are not true love. However, Xiao Pa heard that Dong Jie and this male assistant had been together for several years, and now they have lost contact. Some people also speculate that Pan Yueming’s current girlfriend may have released this information. After all, there are too many news about the two getting back together, and the current girlfriend always wants to make it public, so this method was used to break the news. Pan Yueming’s new girlfriend is indeed a little insecure, but both of them are people who don’t want to get too entangled with Dong Jie.

The paparazzi said that in some photos taken by the media before, the relationship between the two is relatively close. I also asked people who are more familiar with Dong Jie to verify that the two have been together for a long time. Now Dong Jie is more cautious in her relationship. Someone asked in the comments immediately, did Dong Jie and Wang Dazhi break up? They broke up a long time ago, and they broke up after being exposed that year, and the two of them are not true love. However, Xiao Pa heard that Dong Jie and this male assistant had been together for several years, and now they have lost contact. Some people also speculate that Pan Yueming’s current girlfriend may have released this information. After all, there are too many news about the two getting back together, and the current girlfriend always wants to make it public, so this method was used to break the news. Pan Yueming’s new girlfriend is indeed a little insecure, but both of them are people who don’t want to get too entangled with Dong Jie.

6. A male star has X addiction?

6. A male star has X addiction?

A certain male star in the industry may really have a problem with his brain. He feels that what others say is not on the same channel as him, and he can’t understand what it feels like to talk about scripts. He flirts with S everywhere, and often pretends to be someone else to chat on various software. When chatting privately, he said that he has a sex addiction and that’s why he is like this.

A certain male star in the industry may really have a problem with his brain. He feels that what others say is not on the same channel as him, and he can’t understand what it feels like to talk about scripts. He flirts with S everywhere, and often pretends to be someone else to chat on various software. When chatting privately, he said that he has a sex addiction and that’s why he is like this.Return to Sohu to see more

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