Is your WhatsApp account safe? These 2 changes assure you that yes

If you think that your WhatsApp account is safe and no one can access it, you should know that you are wrong. The app is more vulnerable than you think and can be attacked relatively easily to steal your account. The company itself knows this, so it has just implemented 2 new security features. These will make it more difficult to hack your account. Are automaticalthough you should know how it works.

New additional step when changing mobile

The whatsapp two step authentication It may seem safe, and it is in most cases. Sending a code via SMS to log in is a good system, although it has its flaws. A hacker can launch a SIM attack on your device and read every message you receive.

In this way it will be very easy for him to steal your WhatsApp account. You just need to sign in on another device with your phone number and read the SMS with the code that you have received In seconds you will no longer have access to your account.

WhatsApp wants to change this detail and make the change of device more secure. To do this, it will launch a extra step on the old mobile. When you try to log in on a new device you will have to confirm on the old one that it is you. In addition, information regarding the location and details of the login attempt will be sent.

How will WhatsApp know that it really is your old mobile?

In the same way, if a user infects your device, they can have access to that extra message that WhatsApp sends, so everything would be unsafe once more. For this reason the company has included a new device verification system. It is fully automatic and transparent to the user.

In a WhatsApp background process it will constantly verify that the old device is secure and not being controlled by an outside person. In this way, it will be ensured that if you click on “Allow new login” it is done by the correct person.

These two functions make WhatsApp is now a little more secure. Attacks are not too common for ordinary people, but it is always better to have a more secure system. Do you think your WhatsApp account is safe?

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