Is watching porn good or bad for women?

Talking about certain topics associated with sexuality has been a taboo for decades, especially when they are matters that arouse a certain degree of sensitivity and discomfort when discussing them publicly, as is the case with pornography.

Nevertheless, Curiosity is often greater and leads people to find out more about their body’s reactions during sexual encounters or when watching an adult movie. With the aim of responding to these concerns, science has focused on studying the effects of these stimuli and providing a detailed explanation of what happens inside the human being.

about porn there is a variety of academic works that not only focus on the merely physical perspective, but also on the social, cultural and even economic implications of these contents, which today are a solid industry in the world.

It does not stop being for that reason a controversial subject. It is enough to remember the debate and the claims that the possibility of holding an event dedicated to this market recently in the country aroused. But how negative can the consumption of this kind of production be for people? That is a question that does not have a single answer.

Basically, the arguments for and against vary according to the perspective from which it is observed. For example, for some religions if not all the consumption of pornography is a reprehensible act that ignores the values ​​and formation of individuals.

In sexology there are positions that defend, instead, the use of these contents to stimulate desire and pleasure not only individually, but between the couple.

indisputably, It is clear that pornography produces physical, emotional and mental reactions that have been described by scientists. In fact, a study carried out in Switzerland by researchers Nicolas Sommet, from the Lives Center of the University of Lausanne, and Jacques Berent, from the University of Geneva, which lasted for three years, analyzed the sexual performance of men and women after consuming pornography. The findings, as indicated by the portal Grandes Medios, were published in the magazine Psychological Medicine.

Although it could be believed that there is no major difference between the effect caused by viewing adult content between one sex or the other, the results of this research showed that this is not the case.

Although it could be believed that there is no major difference between the effect caused by viewing adult content between one sex or the other, the results of this research showed that this is not the case. – Foto: Getty Images/iStockphoto

According to the aforementioned portal, Sommet and Berent concluded that while in men there was less sexual performance, in women the opposite occurred, and they experienced better sexual functioning. There are several explanations that can shed light on what is happening: the type of pornography that is consumed, the different perception that men and women have of how much pornography is, and the culture in relation to female sexuality.

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A point that other specialists have also delved into is the risk of this activity becoming an addiction, as is the case with alcoholic beverages or drugs.

As Sergio Oliveros Calvo, psychiatrist and director of the Doctor Oliveros Group, points out, consulted by the Cuídate Plus portal, This possibility is not minor, especially if one takes into account that pornography produces “a supernormal stimulus (a stimulus of great intensity and easy to obtain, unlike the stimuli that we receive in nature) and” a kidnapping “of the pathways that regulate reward for certain behaviors.

So the person will be in a constant search to experience that sensation again, which can lead to more serious consequences. “Normal consumption does not translate into relevant effects, there are even couples who see it together and find it stimulating,” Oliveros assured for the aforementioned portal, but, when it is exceeded, it can significantly alter sexual relationships and ties with other people.

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