is waiting for the Mayor’s Office to hand over the 80th Clinic

The Vida Clinic referred, through a statement, to the situation it is going through with the Clinic of the 80, a place that it has already bought from Saludcoop for $96,500 million. Until now, the Mayor’s Office of Medellín, which operates in that place for a loan signed in 2020, has refused to deliver it. The Vida Clinic, then, stated that it is waiting for the site to be handed over to it.

“That according to what was agreed in the contract, Clínica Vida is waiting for the delivery to the satisfaction of Clínica Saludcoop de la 80, to equip it, enable it, operate it and put it at the service of the health of the inhabitants of Medellín and Metropolitan Area”, reads the statement signed by its legal representative, Francisco Javier Lozano.

The writing has five points. In the fourth, the Clinic moves away from the legal discussions regarding the loan signed by the Mayor’s Office with Saludcoop, since it has nothing to do with the matter. And, finally, it says that it hopes that this situation can be resolved promptly and that the institution is “willing to dialogue and conciliate in what may be incumbent on it –assessment and acquisition of assets or, failing that, facilitate their withdrawal– and is waiting for the delivery of the Clinic in the times and deadlines established in the contract”.

The permanence of the Mayor’s Office in the 80 Clinic has generated controversy in recent days. For this decision the mayor Daniel Quintero was accused of allegedly seeking the expropriation of the Clinic from the 80’s because it communicated that the Municipality will continue to operate it under the figure of loan (loan), even though it has already been acquired by the Vida Clinic. The administration’s excuse for remaining on the site is that the health emergency in the country lasted until April 30 and that in some countries there have been outbreaks of covid-19.

The issue is that the Mayor’s Office invested resources in the adequacy of the Clinic. The municipal administration invested $23,744 million in locative adjustments. It has been said that some $6.962 million represent costs of infrastructure assets that cannot be taken out and that might be the root of the officials’ fear of having incurred an alleged loss of assets.

However, Felipe Negret, liquidating agent of Saludcoop, has said that the actions of the Mayor’s Office are incomprehensible.

EL COLOMBIANO learned of Negret’s request to the control entities: to the Comptroller requested preventive tax control “in the face of unilateral and arbitrary actions deployed by the Municipality of Medellin” and the attorney, urgent preventive follow-up for the same reason. Everything, in order to achieve the restitution of the clinic, in an organized and peaceful way, respecting the contract.



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