Is there water on the surface of the metallic asteroid Psyche, worth 10 quintillion dollars? | Forbes JAPAN Official Website (Forbes Japan)

NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) has detected hydrous minerals on the surface of the asteroid 16 Psyche. This metallic asteroid is one of the most fascinating objects known to astronomers. Highly valuable potential Psyche is among the asteroids in the Milky Way galaxy, and NASA has launched the Psyche probe, which is scheduled to reach it in October 2023.

The discovery of the hydroxyl (OH) molecule on Psyche, one of the brightest objects in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter, indicates that it has a complex history that does not align with prior scientific expectations. The hydroxyl molecule consists of one oxygen atom and one hydrogen atom.

The metals that compose Psyche could have a value of approximately $10 quintillion (10,000 trillion). It is said that the world’s gross domestic product (GDP) is projected to reach about $105 trillion by the end of 2023, according to data analysis site Visual Capitalist and the NASA-Psyche Research Center. However, neither NASA nor other space agencies are currently investigating methods to mine Psyche.

Destructive Collision

Scientists previously believed that Psyche was a protoplanet that experienced a destructive collision before becoming a planet, which left its metallic core exposed. However, this new discovery suggests the possibility that Psyche may have formed beyond the “snow line” in the solar system and later migrated to the asteroid belt. The snow line marks the furthest point from the sun where temperatures drop low enough for water to freeze into solid ice.

This discovery not only impacts what NASA’s Psyche spacecraft may uncover when it arrives in 2029 and afterward, but it also has implications for how water is distributed throughout the solar system and, ultimately, the quest for extraterrestrial life.

Artist’s impression of a collision between the asteroid Psyche and another object. The hydrated minerals discovered by the Webb Space Telescope (bottom right) may have been left behind by the impact. (Southwest Research Institute)

Exposed nucleus

The study, which utilized JWST’s infrared observation capabilities, raises questions about the nature of M-type asteroids like Psyche. publish “Our understanding of the solar system’s evolution is closely linked to interpreting the composition of asteroids, particularly M-type asteroids, which have higher metal densities than other asteroids,” stated Stephanie Germak of the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics and lead author of the paper summarizing the study. explanation “M-type asteroids were originally thought to be the exposed cores of differentiated planetesimals, a hypothesis based on their spectral similarities to iron meteorites.”

NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope Discovers Hydrous Minerals on Asteroid 16 Psyche

The groundbreaking findings from NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) reveal the presence of hydrous minerals on the surface of the metallic asteroid 16 Psyche. Located in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter, Psyche has intrigued astronomers and scientists alike due to its unique composition and potential implications for our understanding of planetary formation.

The hydroxyl (OH) molecule, which consists of one oxygen atom and one hydrogen atom, marks a significant discovery on Psyche. This asteroid, one of the brightest objects in our solar system’s asteroid belt, poses questions about its formation process and geological history. Researchers had long believed that Psyche was a protoplanet that experienced a destructive collision, exposing its metallic core. However, the presence of these hydrated minerals suggests a more complicated history, indicating that Psyche may have originated beyond the “snow line” of the solar system and migrated into the asteroid belt.

The Value of Psyche: A $10 Quintillion Treasure Trove

Psyche’s metallic components are estimated to hold a staggering value of around $10 quintillion. For context, this amount greatly exceeds the projected global economy’s gross domestic product (GDP), which is expected to reach approximately $105 trillion by the end of 2023, according to Visual Capitalist. However, despite its immense value, current space agencies, including NASA, are not actively exploring methods for mining Psyche.

Hydrated Minerals: A Clue to Psyche’s Past

The discovery of hydroxyl molecules on Psyche opens new avenues for understanding not only the asteroid itself but also the distribution of water resources throughout the solar system. The JWST’s advanced infrared capabilities enabled scientists to analyze the composition of Psyche with unprecedented detail. This enhances our understanding of M-type asteroids, known for their thick metallic content, and their roles in the broader context of planetary development.

Potential Benefits of Understanding Psyche

  • Insights into Planetary Formation: Understanding Psyche’s composition can provide critical information about the early solar system and the processes involved in planetary formation.
  • Astrobiology Implications: The existence of water or water-related molecules may suggest the potential for life-supporting conditions on other celestial bodies.
  • Resource Exploration: While immediate mining is not on the agenda, insights gained can aid future resource exploration efforts on similar asteroids.

NASA’s Psyche Mission: An Overview

NASA has officially greenlit the Psyche mission, with plans to launch a spacecraft set to reach the metallic asteroid in October 2023. The mission aims to study the asteroid’s unique features and gather data on its composition, structure, and history. This will be a historic opportunity for gleaning information about an M-type asteroid, which has remained largely unexplored until now.

Exterior of the Psyche Spacecraft

The Psyche spacecraft will be equipped with state-of-the-art instruments, including:

  • Magnetometer: To measure the magnetic field and determine the asteroid’s internal structure.
  • Imager: An advanced camera for capturing high-resolution images of Psyche’s surface.
  • Composition Analysis Tools: Instruments designed to assess the mineralogical makeup of the asteroid.

Destructive Collision: Reevaluating Psyche’s History

Scientists have long theorized that Psyche was formed as a result of a cataclysmic event, which contributed to the exposure of its metallic core. The discovery of hydrated minerals complicates this narrative. Instead, it raises the intriguing possibility that Psyche may have migrated from its formation region, offering valuable insights into how and where various celestial bodies form in our solar system.

The snow line plays a critical role in this narrative; it marks the point in our solar system where temperatures drop sufficiently for water to become solid ice. This threshold is crucial for understanding where water exists in its various forms, facilitating a deeper comprehension of the physical and chemical processes that shape our solar system.

Implications for the Search for Extraterrestrial Life

Beyond the direct implications for Psyche itself, the findings regarding hydrated minerals carry broader significance in the ongoing search for extraterrestrial life. Water is fundamental to life as we know it, and understanding where it exists in the universe can help narrow down potential locations for life-hosting environments. Therefore, the data collected from the Psyche mission may provide clues not only for our solar system but also for the potential habitability of exoplanets.

Artist’s Impression of Psyche

Artist's impression of a collision between the asteroid Psyche and another object. The hydrated minerals discovered by the Webb Space Telescope may have been left behind by the impact.

Artist’s impression of a collision between the asteroid Psyche and another object. The hydrated minerals discovered by the Webb Space Telescope may have been left behind by the impact. (Southwest Research Institute)

Looking Towards the Future

The upcoming Psyche mission is expected to yield invaluable data about one of the solar system’s most enigmatic objects. By unlocking the secrets of Psyche, we aim to not only enhance our understanding of asteroids but also contribute to our broader knowledge of planetary science and the origins of life.

FAQs about the Psyche Mission and Hydrous Minerals Discovery

Question Answer
What is the main goal of NASA’s Psyche mission? To study the metallic asteroid Psyche and gather data on its composition, structure, and formation history
What are hydrated minerals? Minerals that contain water, indicating past hydration processes.
Why is Psyche significant for understanding the solar system? It offers a unique opportunity to study a metallic asteroid, which can shed light on the processes of planetary formation.
How might this discovery influence the search for extraterrestrial life? Water-related discoveries can guide scientists in identifying potential habitability in other celestial bodies.


Through the groundbreaking work of the James Webb Space Telescope, we are beginning to unlock the secrets of asteroid 16 Psyche. With its complex history and tantalizing elements, Psyche promises to reshape our understanding of the early solar system and may hold crucial answers in the ongoing quest to comprehend our place in the universe.



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