Is There Trouble in Paradise? The Alleged Marriage Crisis of Sophie Turner and Joe Jonas

2023-09-04 07:44:31

Alleged marriage crisis

Are Sophie Turner and Joe Jonas Divorcing?

The marriage of the Jonas Brothers frontman and the “Game of Thrones” actress is said to be in trouble. The couple has been married since 2019 and have two children together.

Published4. Sep 2023, 9:44 am

Their love began in 2016.

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In 2019, Joe Jonas and Sophie Turner married.

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The couple have two children together.

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But the marriage is currently not going as well as it says in a TMZ report.

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Sophie Turner and Joe Jonas’ marriage is said to be dead.

The couple sold their joint property in Miami after a year.

The musician is currently on a world tour, after “Game of Thrones” and “X-Men” the actress became rather quiet.

According to a US media report, the marriage of Joe Jonas (34) and Sophie Turner (27) is about to end. Jonas Brothers frontman Joe is said to have already contacted two potential divorce attorneys and is about to file the divorce papers. TMZ reports.

Joe Jonas is said to have been “almost all the time” for the past three months looked after the two daughters of the celebrity couplealthough he is currently on a world tour with his brothers.

Joe Jonas is said to be without a ring

The couple, who tied the knot in 2019, are said to have “serious problems” according to several unnamed inside sources. There had been few signs of a breakup in the past few weeks and months.

According to the US celebrity portal, Joe Jonas has allegedly been spotted in public without his wedding ring from time to time. Also a The couple has an impressive property in Miami sold again after only one year.

Turner and Jonas have been married since 2019

The actress and the musician have been a couple since 2016. The engagement in 2017 was followed by the glamorous wedding in Las Vegas two years later. In July 2020 daughter Willa saw the light of day. Another daughter was born two years later, in July 2022.

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It was about Turner after the end of the HBO series “Game of Thrones” and her involvement in the “X-Men” superhero films has become relatively quiet. Her husband Joe Jonas is meanwhile with his brothers Kevin (35) and Nick Jonas (30) on the “Five Albums. One Night World Tour.

She is to lead the musical trio around the world until June 2024. A total of 94 shows on three continents are planned, including a performance each in Hamburg and Cologne in May next year and a concert in Munich in early June.

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