Is there an age to offer chocolate to the child?

Easter is one of the most anticipated commemorative dates for children, who are eager to win chocolate eggs. The different sizes, formats, flavors and colors are factors that attract even more attention from the little ones. But nutritionists warn that parents should wait to offer their children candy for the first time.

The taste of humans is built throughout childhood, during breastfeeding, food introduction and up to regarding 2 years of age. Until this time, sugar consumption should be avoided to preserve children’s interest in healthy foods such as fruits and vegetables.

“The sweet taste is more attractive to the child’s palate. By offering sweets and sugar at this stage, the baby will have more difficulty accepting a less sweet fruit, for example”, explains nutritionist Giliane Belarmino, consultant for the brand of products for babies Philips Avent.

According to Giliane, introducing foods rich in sugar following the age of 2 prevents the development of cavities and other oral infections, in addition to minimizing the risks of childhood obesity, diabetes and chronic diseases in adulthood.

In the short term, the consumption of large amounts of sugar can increase the level of hyperactivity and change the mood of children of any age, with effects on behavior, concentration, focus to perform routine activities and sleep quality.

The sooner sugar is introduced, the more adept the child will be in the future, says Brazilian nutritionist Gabriella Ferrari, from the Espace Évasion clinic, in Switzerland. “Therefore, the recommendation is that it be introduced to the child’s palate as late as possible”, she considers.

What is the appropriate amount for each age group?

Ideally, children up to 2 years old should not consume any type of chocolate. Between 2 and 6 years old, parents can offer 10 grams a day, the equivalent of a small square. From 7 to 10 years old, children are allowed to eat two squares of a chocolate bar daily.

healthy options

For families that preserve the tradition of giving children treats, nutritionists recommend choosing healthier options, such as eggs with a higher cocoa content or carob chocolates – which do not contain sugar or milk and can be consumed from 6 months old.

“If the child has not been introduced to sugar, he will not miss it, like adults who are already used to sweeter foods”, considers Gabriella.

In addition, parents can make Easter a fun date, with games of hunting for eggs, with boiled and hand-painted eggs, and with carrots, alluding to the rabbit’s favorite food. “It will be a very fun experience that will leave no room for the lack of chocolate. With creativity, we can always make Easter very fun and tasty”, says the nutritionist.

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