Is the universe really an alien computer program? – BBC News

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Scientists have been trying for a long time to answer the metaphysical question: Why was the universe born with certain conditions suitable for the birth of life? And why do we need specific laws of physics and constants? which directs the stars to orbit in an orderly manner Until various phenomena occur as we see each other.

The most commonly heard answer in theoretical physics is Our Universe is one of countless multiverses created by different laws of physics. The most popular answer in the genre of fantasy novels is to say The universe or everything, including us, is not a real object, but a “virtual reality” simulated by a quantum computer program of extraterrestrial intelligent beings.

However, it is difficult for humans to know that Our self and the things around us are matter-energy that really exists. Or is it just digital data controlled and simulated by aliens? Most recently, Professor Melvin M. Watson, a physicist from the University of Portsmouth in the United Kingdom. has offered a proven way to answer such questions. He stated in a research paper published in the March 2022 issue of AIP Advances and in his most recent article on The Conversation:

Evidence that all things are merely “information information”

Prof. Wopson said The idea that the world and the universe is just a computer model. Even if it sounds like a fantasy of science fiction. But there is actually quite a bit of empirical evidence to support this idea. especially from knowledge in the field of science “Information Physics” (Information Physics)

Such branches of science see that All physical realities, whether matter, energy or space-time, They are essentially phenomena made up of bits, or units of information, in the smallest hierarchy. as it exists in the memory and processing unit of a computer

for example temperature (Temperature) is not something that actually exists in matter or atoms themselves. Rather, it is a phenomenon that occurs when many atoms are in motion.

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In 1989, the late American physicist John Archibald Wheeler proposed a new idea that The foundation of all things in the universe is information. (information) which can be explained by all mathematics

Later, in 2003, Nick Bostrom, a philosopher at Oxford University, proposed the hypothesis that We humans may live in computer simulations. This hypothesis led MIT physicist Set Lloyd to suggest that the universe, or the entire universe, could be a giant quantum computer.

The virtual world created by the computer program simulation. There is a working mechanism consistent with quantum mechanics. In this case, the “bits” or the smallest units of information act as particles, so the image of what we see is simply a composite of dots or pixels, which are “point-to-point” information. one only

The laws of physics that are the laws of nature that exist everywhere. It is also similar to code or code (code) that a computer model will execute or process as directed by the author. For example, the speed of light, which is the fastest speed in that universe. Like the maximum speed of a computer, which is limited by the speed of the processor (processor).

A condition in which the amount of information is too overwhelming and overwhelming for the system to accept. inevitably causes the processing of the computer to be delayed or stuck Just as Einstein’s theory of general relativity states that Time slows down as it approaches a black hole, a supermassive object.

Quantum entanglement is yet another evidence that the universe may be a virtual reality. due to the separation of particle pairs Incredibly instantaneous changes can occur. even though they are located millions of light years apart

In this case, the virtual reality hypothesis is described as The ability of pairs of particles to connect and interact with each other more rapidly than the speed of light. can be possible in a computer program The code is written so that every data location is the same distance from the central processing unit.

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The principle of mass-energy-information equivalence

Prof. Wopson proposed a way to prove whether everything is really a computer program or not. Using the Mass – Energy – Information Equivalence Principle that he invented and first published in the journal AIP Advances since 2019.

The above principle assumes that the simulated universe is full of information bits, which are equal to the mass and energy that are fundamental to the reality of the universe we are familiar with. Therefore, if it can detect information or codes that are common around us in mass or energy. It will also be able to confirm the validity of the virtual reality hypothesis.

Prof. Wopson viewed Information is actually the fifth state of matter in the universe, in addition to solids, liquids, gases, and plasma. There should be an average of 1.509 bits of information.

We can experiment with traces of this information by colliding particles. This is how today’s technology can do it. Prof. Wopson proposed using high energy to accelerate and collide elementary particles with their counterparts, or antiparticles. (anti-particle) in order to neutralize and release the information inside with photons or particles of light that will follow in the frequency range that Prof. Wopson predicted.

In addition to the method of proof of Prof. Wopson, where he announced an 8 million baht public fundraiser on his website. in order to bring the money to experiment with such particle collisions There is another method of proof of the late English physicist John Barrow. which looks for minor errors that normal computers would have and programmers would have to fix immediately as well

If a phenomenon is found that is like repairing the system For example, the results of the first experiment immediately contradict the results of subsequent iterations. or some constant in nature changes suddenly Show that the author and control of the reality simulation program of the universe. Has created a new set of information information directed. “Virtual reality” has arrived.

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