Is the Patrinos Carnival poster a copycat?

Is the Patrinos Carnival poster a copycat?

Every year, more and more happens with the Patrinos Carnival posters. Usually it has to do with the visual part and with how far they respond to the aesthetics and mentality of the institution. There are also several times that there have been complaints about copying. This year, everything seemed to be going smoothly. The posters were decided several months before the usual time while the first comments about the result were more than positive.

All this until yesterday. Why Andreas Aposkitis in his post wonders whether the main poster of the Patron Carnival is authentic or a copy, as it can be seen from the photos he has posted, it is very reminiscent of the work of the famous American artist and illustrator Nate Williams.

As he typically states: “PATRAS CARNIVAL.
We can do it ourselves!
This year’s carnival poster is made with ribbon, as we did in elementary school.
The carnival poster for carnival 2025 came out early and well done.
Well done to the artist who created it, because admittedly it is beautiful.
The poster that won the first prize and was rewarded with the sum of 700 euros is by Maria Pylarinou.
But is it Maria Pylarinou’s?
Is the work hers?
It’s her idea.
Is the poster hers? Or is it a copy of the famous American illustrator Nate Williams?

Is the Patrinos Carnival poster a copycat?
KEDIP – Patras Carnival, did not even go through the process of looking it up on the internet or was not interested.
I believe that the carnival of Patras, our carnival, is unique and should be authentic, innovative, with their own ideas and not copies.
Look my friends at the similarities of the 2 posters.
Click to open the photos and look especially at the second one”.

#Patrinos #Carnival #poster #copycat



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