Is the Author of One Piece Too Powerful Today? Insights from the Former Dragon Ball Editor

2023-09-27 16:30:03

News culture The author of One Piece too powerful today? The former Dragon Ball editor doesn’t mince his words!

Published on 09/27/2023 at 6:30 p.m.

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Today the author of the most widely distributed manga of all time throughout the world, Eiichiro Oda probably has a very significant reputation with his publishers. Something that Kazuhiko Torishima, the former editor of Dragon Ball, regrets, especially since this was not always the case.

One Piece: an essential manga today

Today, the observation is clear: One Piece is an essential work in the world of manga and popular culture in general. The original manga has sold more than 500 million copies, the only literary series to reach such a milestone with Harry Potter. A success which might never have seen the light of day without the disagreements that there may have been between its author Eiichiro Oda and his publishers. Something that no longer seems to be the case today: the mangaka would have all power. In any case, this is what Kazuhiko Torishima reports. The one who was one of the first editors of Dragon Ball then editor of Shônen Jump (weekly magazine in which the chapters of One Piece are published) gave his point of view. It was in an interview with NewsPick, a media outlet that covers many topics relating to Japan, that he declared:

In an interview, legendary Dragon Ball editor Torishima said that it was a shame that, unlike in the early days, One Piece editors might no longer disagree with Oda.

Nevertheless, he congratulates Eiichiro Oda for his excellence in character creation but also for his passion. Passion without which One Piece would probably not be what it is today.

One Piece: three refusals before eternal glory

First assistant to Nobuhiro Watsuki (best known for Kenshin And The Tramp), Eiichiro Oda then worked on a collection of short stories called Wanted. Fan of Vicky le Vikingthe mangaka always wanted to create a manga around pirates. On this subject, it is Wanted which will serve as the basis for the first chapters of One Piece… refused three times by the Shueisha. During these meetings, it was even Kazuhiko Torishima who was skeptical regarding the publication of One Piece.

It is probably in reference to these initial refusals that Torishima is referring when he talks regarding the disagreements regarding One Piece. Since 1997 and the first pre-publication of One Piece in Shônen Jump, Eiichiro Oda’s manga has clearly changed sides. In the early 2000s, he was one of the members of the “Big 3”: a name used to designate One Piece, Bleach and Naruto as the three saviors of Weekly Shonen Jump whose audience was starting to fall.

Even today, One Piece is one of the best-selling manga each year in the archipelago. For publishers, it is probably difficult to go once morest the figures which, spring following spring, must inflate Eiichiro Oda’s confidence in his work.. Confidence that he has never ceased to have for more than 25 years now.

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