Is taking a break really a good idea?

2024-08-30 11:15:04


Posted 7 hours ago, updated 57 minutes ago

Distance can help you realize that even if the relationship isn’t perfect, you won’t feel so bad in the end. Grustock/

Psychology – When things take a turn for the worse between partners, it’s not uncommon for them to separate (at least temporarily). Could this make for a fresh start?

The relationship between David and Mathilde* may have lasted 25 years, but it wasn’t a long, calm river. “We separated about twenty times over the course of days or weeks just to find each other again”David said. The finance executive, who lives in Paris, even rented a shared room during the year so he could have a place to stay in the event of a break-in. son couple ! “I often forget myself in relationships. Distance allows me to find myself a little bit and confirm whether I still want to be with Mathilde”he continued.

This situation is undoubtedly atypical, but the mechanism is familiar to couples. “Breaking up is sometimes a necessary stage in a relationship, either because one’s needs are not being met, or because one is no longer willing to respond to one’s partner’s needs. This allows you to distance yourself, regain a little freedom, and validate that you are truly The importance of…

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