Is Silas Katompa Mvumpa Winter Wildcards worth it? + SBC solution

if yesterday came Eric Bailly Winter Wild CardsToday we have the Silas Katompa Mvumpa Winter Wildcards SBC. It will be available in FIFA 23 until January 14appears next to some curious objectives that allow you to get a lot of cards and stands out for its five filigree stars. In addition to being someone very fast, although we also see worrying aspects in its characteristics. And it seems that it will not be easy to give him chemistry in competitive Ultimate Team squads. Could it be useful anyway? It is time to analyze it.

Positions: DC, MD and IM. His SBC currently costs about 43,700 coins on the general market and 48,450 on PC. He has a high/medium work rate, Body Type “Tall and balanced”, he is 1’89 and is right-handed.

FIFA 23 – Silas Winter Wildcards Analysis

It looks like the classic case of an attacker who combines very valuable virtues, with quite negative defects. And we hope that the weaknesses prevent him from taking advantage of his strengths as much as we would like. So it does not convince us too much for most users.

Being someone so fast with 91 in positioning, 81 in strength and 1’89 in height; we hope that perform very well on long runs. He could do a lot of damage to the typical opponents that advance their defensive lines and on counterattack plays.

Howeverat short distances it should be out of tune. Even more so if you as a user are not a skill specialist. If you don’t you’re going to get a huge advantage out of his five of filigree moves. And even in that case, you could feel limited by several of his weaknesses.

His 84 shot power isn’t bad and his 92 finishing is great for the current FIFA 23 moment. He’ll be pretty reliable shooting right-footed inside the box. The problem is that he barely reaches three with his bad leg, so he will not offer that security with his left foot. Smart opponents could take advantage of it, and it doesn’t even have “Outside Shooting” to disguise it.

Furthermore, it seems that his 88 overall dribbling will be very deceptive. Although his agility and dribbling are good (92), he is weak in the rest of the stats in game. And he should be even more rugged due to the combination of 1’89 tall with “Tall and Balanced” Body Type. For all of this, we expect Silas Winter Wildcards to be rough at short distances. Another weak point that will reduce the value of him.

Finally, his 90 short pass is great but only reaches 75 vision and 61 long pass. He could be quite out of tune as an assistant, something that doesn’t usually bother too much against inferior rivals but that can be very negative in more even matches. It is normal that we ruin the occasional occasion due to your bad shipments.

So his five stars of filigree are remarkable, just like combining a privileged finish with speed and physical power. For all these reasons, we expect it to work well with spaces. As a typical player who makes intelligent unchecks and is not very vulnerable to struggles. But at short distances, when we attack statically, we cannot expect it to offer great performance.

His physical conditions will make him tougher one on one, it is normal for him to fail as an assistant and the three stars of bad leg will limit him even more. So if you’re a crack skills player looking for someone dangerous on long runs, this could be a decent low cost option. But if it is not your case, we are not convinced.

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Your club has received few special versions and we can’t get them anymore.

So is it worth it?

Due to the deficiencies mentioned and the lack of useful links, we only recommend it if your squad dominates the Bundesliga, you are good with skills and you are looking for someone dangerous with spaces. Enough to support their weaknesses at short distances. Or as a revulsive if you are skilled with watermarks and you plan to use it as a typical attacker to run in the final stretch of the matches.

In short distances it should not be top because of the three bad legs and its size, but with spaces it could stand out. And contrary to what happens with other attackers in FIFA 23, Silas Winter Wildcards It has an outstanding finish naturally. So it will be safer kicking with your right hand.

Since this year we can make five changes during matches, we don’t think it’s a bad idea use it as a revulsive to do damage in long runs. Although yes, we advise that other of your substitutes be finer. Players who threaten with left and right, smaller but more electric (so as not to be too limited when the opponent locks himself in his area).

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Recommended Chemistry Styles (if starting)

  • Hawk: His acceleration goes up to 97, the sprint is perfect, and he receives four extra points of strength. In addition to combining 95 positioning, 96 finishing, 92 shot power and 80 long shot.
  • Motor: Interesting alternative if you plan to use it on the wing during matches and it won’t shoot too much. This improves his shooting and passing statistics. You will get a +4 to vision, short pass and long pass. In addition to adding four points of agility, eight in balance and seven in dribbling.
  • finisher: It can be useful if you’re willing to stick with its original pace, but then it will do less damage on long runs. It will improve shooting and dribbling at the same time. He will combine 99 positioning (+8), 99 finishing (+7), 88 shot power (+4), 99 agility (+7), 84 balance (+4) and 99 dribbling (+7).
  • Shooter: Similar to the previous one because it does not improve the rhythm, but replaces the dribbling boost with the passing one. He’ll get eight extra points of vision to get up to 83 and nine of short passing to make it perfect. In addition to getting a 99 positioning, finishing and shot power (while the long shot stays at 76).

SBC Solution

  • Min. 1 Bundesliga player
  • Min. 1 player: Team of the Week (TOTW)
  • Min star value team: 84
FIFA 23 Ultimate Team SBC Silas Winter Wildcards
43,700 coins in the general market and 48,450 on PC

Remember that the Silas Winter Wildcards SBC expires on January 14th. here we leave you the guide to get the free to play version of Musa y Maldini Icono Baby’s review. If you want to be informed about FIFA 23 Ultimate Team news, you can join our Telegram broadcast channel. Good luck!

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