Is power walking more effective than just walking?

Power walking is more beneficial to calorie consumption and muscle strength improvement than general walking. [사진=JV_PHOTO/게티이미지뱅크]

When it is difficult to find time to exercise, there is no easier exercise to do than walking. It is an exercise that you can practice in your daily life while commuting to and from home and work, doing housework, and going to the supermarket. How can I get the best exercise from walking?

There is a way to set the time by walking for 30 minutes every day, but it is better to pay attention to the intensity, such as walking vigorously at one time. ‘Power walking’, which walks vigorously, is more beneficial to strengthening the heart and muscles than just walking.

According to a study published in the international academic journal ≪Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise≫, power walking that increases the number of steps per minute has the effect of improving calorie consumption, insulin levels, and body mass index.

What are the tips for power walking? Power walking, simply put, is a fast and vigorous walk. Not only the legs, but also the arms should move vigorously. It is a gait as fast as possible while maintaining the normal gait pattern of touching the ground in the order of heel to toe with each step. Your arms should be bent at a 90-degree angle and swing vigorously back and forth to keep your walking momentum from being lost. In order to strengthen the balance and strength of the body, it is good to keep the core, which is the center of the body, in a solid state. Because it is an exercise that pays attention to all these parts, the calorie consumption is inevitably greater than that of normal walking.

Both regular walking and power walking affect the calf, thigh, and buttock muscles. However, power walking also affects the upper body, such as the back and shoulders. The more vigorous the arm movement, the greater the strength of the upper body, and the greater the balance and stability of the body.

However, since you have to take care of several things at the same time, it may feel difficult at first and may require repeated training until it becomes a habit. In this case, first of all, start with a habit of walking regularly. When walking becomes a daily routine and your endurance improves, you can increase your walking speed from that point on and improve your cardiovascular health in earnest.

There is also the advantage of being able to shorten the exercise time if you become accustomed to power walking. Normal walking is difficult to achieve as a short-term exercise. On the other hand, power walking can burn calories and improve muscle strength within a short time.

However, if your joints hurt following power walking, it is better to slow down. When the weather is hot like these days, you need to be careful regarding dehydration, heat stroke, and heat stroke. For those who are burdened with power walking, there is also a way to alternate between normal walking and power walking. It is an exercise in which you perform power walking for 1 minute in the middle of a normal walking exercise. As you get used to it, you can increase the frequency of power walking, so you can naturally improve your exercise ability.

By Moon Se-young, staff reporter [email protected]

ⓒ ‘Honest knowledge for health’ ( / Unauthorized reproduction-redistribution prohibited



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