Is online sports coaching as effective?

Nowadays, everything is digitized. You must be logged in at all times and in all areas. The fitness industry has also followed suit. Online sports sessions have been made available for several years. This practice has even been democratized with the majority of sports coaches offering their training activities on the internet. Wondering if online sports coaching is as effective as sessions in the presence of your trainer? Here are some answers to this question.

How does online sports coaching work?

First of all, personal online sports coaching works according to the same principles as face-to-face coaching. The only difference is that your trainer is not at your side to accompany you. You will view the lessons via a digital medium (smartphone, computer, tablet, etc.). These are workout and nutrition videos. You will do these physical activities wherever you want. You have at your disposal general models dedicated to a set of people who simply ask you to invest in a carpet.

You can also opt for personalized coaching. To do this, you just need to contact the coach. He will then concoct a program adapted to your needs with individual sessions. He will follow your progress online and give you his advice via this same channel. Online sports coaching also comes in the form of an application. You can download the program on your smartphone to be well accompanied.

How effective is online sports coaching compared to in-person coaching?

The effectiveness of online sports coaching compared to in-person coaching is measured through the data collected. Connected objects or applications make it possible to know and track your results. These smart monitors will keep track of your activities. In addition, there are body scales that measure your weight, your fat percentage, and your muscle mass.

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They provide a instant overview of your progress, your lifestyle and your daily activities. Your coach will know the number of steps you have taken or the distance you have covered. He will carry out a follow-up from this information and will adjust your sports and nutritional program according to these results. However, the effectiveness of online sports coaching largely depends on your motivation.

What are the advantages ?

The main asset of online sports coaching is financial, which makes it accessible for all budgets. The majority of the videos are indeed free. It also does not require a large investment. You don’t have to buy any hardware. From you, you train where you want, when you want. All you have to do is log in. No more time constraints and hours lost in transport. You have a whole range of programs at your disposal. From fitness to bodybuilding, through stretching, you will be spoiled for choice. The latest sports trends are at your fingertips. However, we recommend that you always find out beforehand about the dangers of certain exercises.

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