Is it really a huge traffic jam caused by the freezing of electric cars during a blizzard?

The snow really brought the airport to a standstill

This photo was recently shared by a Facebook user from Lithuania. The opportunity to do this was the announcement that in Germany, due to bad weather conditions, the production of renewable energy was greatly reduced for three days at the beginning of December.

As a result, the country had to rely on huge imports from abroad, including coal-fired electricity in Poland. Otherwise, the power outage would have been inevitable.

Screenshot from Facebook/It is not true that the electricity produced in Germany is only enough for three days a month

“The Green Course in German, – wrote internet user – It’s winter, it’s snowing. Solar power plants – under a thick layer of snow, wind power plants don’t spin without wind, and they shut down nuclear power plants… Electricity is enough for THREE DAYS A MONTH…

It’s those green Germans who buy electricity from POLAND who still have their ancient black coal mines…”

She shared a link to articlewhich states that “Germany has been unable to meet its electricity needs for three days in a row,” not that it only has enough electricity for three days a month.

As you know, winter in the south of Germany started in extremely adverse weather conditions. On December 2, Munich was hit by such a blizzard that it had to to stop all flights and even trains.

The heavy snow (up to 50 cm) that fell in a short time disrupted public transport and created the danger of avalanches not only in southern Germany, but also in Austria and Switzerland.

Soon Munich flights again was briefly suspendedbut no longer because of the snow, but because of the lijundra.

The Facebook user added photos of a snow-covered plane, climate activist Greta Thunberg and cars parked on a snow-covered road to her post.

In the latter, dozens of cars stopped one after the other can be seen. The scene would look like a traffic jam on a three-lane road if the cars, the road itself, and the trees growing next to it were not covered in snow.

Below the photo is written in Russian: “Many blocked highways in Germany due to electric cars discharging in the cold. Conventional cars get stuck between electric cars and cannot get around the discharged vehicles.

Screenshot  from Facebook/The photo says that there was a traffic jam in Germany due to frozen electric cars, but this shot is from Chicago and it is not known if there were any such cars in the traffic jam at all

Screenshot from Facebook/The photo says that there was a traffic jam in Germany due to frozen electric cars, but this shot is from Chicago and it is not known if there were any such cars in the traffic jam at all

Similar problems are reported in the Czech Republic, where it also causes a lot of additional congestion on snow-covered roads.”

From this explanation, it should be understood that the image was captured recently in Germany, but this is not true. Both the time and place of photography are completely different.

The rush was on the other side of the Atlantic a long time ago

In this shot with the same text or be jo has been actively shared on various social networks recently. You can also find it on the Internet information at imagesthe chaos caused by the snow that forced the closure of Munich Airport.

However, reverse image search revealed, that the line of cars in the snow was not recorded in recent weeks. For example, this and many similar shots were used in March this year on YouTube published in the video. It said that “heavy snow blanketed the southern US states of California and Arizona.”

Žygimantas Gedvilas/BNS photo/Snowstorm

Žygimantas Gedvilas/BNS photo/Snowstorm

But it was not a time when cars were photographed either. The same photo was on Reddit shared 7 years ago. Next to it, it was indicated that the photo was taken in 2011 Whistle Day – February 2 in Chicago. More than 50 cm of snow fell in a short period of time, and the highway along the southern shore of Lake Michigan had to be closed.

Such antics of nature were even written about in foreign media at that time, for example, in a British newspaper „The Telegraph“. It was reported here that this snowfall was the heaviest in decades in North America.

The article was illustrated with a photo of rows of cars trapped in snow. It said the cars were stuck on Lake Shore Drive in Chicago. The authorship of the photo is attributed to the AP news agency.

Neither this text nor any of the other blizzard essays mention that the jams were caused anywhere by dead EV batteries or freezing, rather than just a lot of snow.

The news agency AFP refuted a similar lie last summer, which was distributed with the same photograph of cars stuck in the snow.

Electric cars in the user manuals indeed be warned that in extreme conditions – in extremely high or low temperatures – the driving distance can be reduced or the battery charging time can be increased.

But it is not true that during the winter rush, the batteries of electric cars will discharge very quickly and, when they stop in the middle of the road, such traffic jams as can be seen in the distributed photo should be created.

This has been denied not only by the AFP, but also „Reuters“ fact checkers. Opposing experiences are shared elsewhere on the Internet (here, here, here).

15min verdict: missing context. This traffic jam was indeed due to snow, but not in Germany and not this year, but in Chicago in 2011. during heavy snowfall. It is not known whether there were electric cars in it whose batteries were discharged due to the cold.

The publication was prepared in 15 minutes in partnership with Metait aims to stop the spread of misleading news on the social network. More about the program and its rules – here.

#huge #traffic #jam #caused #freezing #electric #cars #blizzard
2024-07-26 09:37:27



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