Is it possible to bowl while pregnant?

2023-08-31 16:00:01

Can I bowl while pregnant?

“Overturning pins by rolling a ball on the track is not dangerous” assures Bruno Deval, professor of gynecology and obstetrics. He specifies: “By the weight of the ball, one would think that bowling might be inadvisable but there is no dangeras long as there are no medical contraindications and we remain cautious.”

Knowing that an hour of bowling can burn up to 200 calories, bowling would even be a good option to keep the line pregnant.

Pregnant woman: how to go bowling without risk to her health and that of her baby?

Knowing that certain joints and ligaments relax during pregnancy and that the center of gravity also shifts; certain movements in bowling, combined with the weight of the ball, might cause certain “genes”.

  • Pregnant women are therefore advised to choose a lighter ball and pay attention to their position and body movements when throwing the ball. Some women also use pregnancy belts to distribute their weight as the pregnancy progresses. If you feel it’s necessary you might also wear one when bowling. Also remember to bend your knees. Bending your knees while serving will relieve your back and maintain good posture.
  • Also pay attention to the tracke which, lubricated with oil so that the balls move more easily along the track, might cause slipping. But here once more, being pregnant is not a handicap and this prevention is aimed at each player.
  • Listen to your body. If at one point in the game you feel tired or more comfortable with practice, skip your turn and try a different technique for the next one or stop altogether. But never insist.

The question of the month of pregnancy is not really important, as long as the pregnant woman feels comfortable with the practice and that her pregnancy has no medical contraindications.

The contraindications of pregnant bowling

If you have certain medical and/or pregnancy-related problems such as preeclampsia (raised blood pressure), heart disease, placenta previa or premature labor or if you are carrying twins or multiples, ask your doctor if your state of health allows certain physical activities such as bowling.

Finally, and this is valid for all pregnant women: It is always important tolisten to your body and to contact your healthcare practitioner if you begin to experience vaginal bleeding, abdominal pain, contractions, or other concerning symptoms.

If you’ve never done bowling: wrong or good idea to go for it during pregnancy?

Pregnancy will never be the right time to start a new sport. Professor Bruno Deval.

Common sense and precautions will therefore be in order… As a reminder, other sports activities (with medical approval) such as the elliptical trainer, brisk walking, the gym, bodybuilding and also and above all, swimming are recommended during the pregnancy. Unlike those presenting risks of jolts such as horse riding or boxing, to name a few.

Pregnant perineum: reminder of good principles

“A solid perineum provides better support for your baby, avoids incontinence problems (urinary leaks, etc.), relieves certain pain that may appear in the vagina (lump sensation) and that’s not the least , promotes better childbirth. Not to mention, the beneficial impact on the couple’s sexuality” illustrates Professor Bruno Deval, who has also devoted a book on the subject: “The female perineum” published by Rocher. Sexuality which will also be widely recommended to maintain throughout the pregnancy period.

#bowl #pregnant



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