Is it permissible to participate in more than one medical research at the same time? Clinical Research Law Answers

The law regulating clinical medical research grants the subject the right to withdraw from medical research whenever he wants and without obligating him to give any reasons for that, provided that the principal investigator informs him of the medical damages resulting from his withdrawal..

It also granted him the right not to disclose his identity or any of his data except after fulfilling the conditions of the scientific justification approved by the competent institutional committee and approved by the Supreme Council and with the written consent of the respondent or his legal representative. .

Among the rights granted to the respondents is also to obtain a copy of the informed consent. Exceptions are made from the request for the consent of the respondent in this case, the cases required by the proper application of medical research, which are explained by the Egyptian laws and regulations regulating the circulation and confidentiality of data, without prejudice to the authority of the investigation authorities or the competent court to request the disclosure of this data for the necessity of investigation or trial procedures. .

All of this is as detailed in the executive regulations of this law .

The law prohibited the participation of the respondent in any other medical research before the end of the period specified in the protocol of the previous research plan.

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