Is it Permissible to Boil Zamzam Water for Cooking and Drinks: Expert Opinion

2023-07-02 12:52:00

Louay wrote on Sunday, July 02, 2023 03:52 PM Is it permissible to boil? Zamzam water To make drinks such as tea and coffee and use them in cooking, because I am residing in Makkah and it is not interrupted from the house. A question answered by Dr. Muhammad Wissam, Secretary of the Fatwa and a member of the Supreme Advisory Board for Training and Research at Dar Al-Iftaa.

He emphasized that there is no objection to that, so it is permissible to boil Zamzam water to make drinks such as tea and coffee and use it in cooking, and there is nothing wrong with that.

This came during a previous live broadcast broadcast by the Egyptian Dar Al Iftaa on its official page on the social networking site Facebook, to answer citizens’ questions.

Earlier, Dr. Shawky Allam, the Grand Mufti of the Republic, confirmed that Zamzam water is the best water on earth, and the best type of water following the water emanating from the fingers of the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him and his family. Upon him and his family, prayers and peace be upon him, in the famous incident of “cleaving the honorable chest.”

Many texts have come that confirm his virtue and honor unless he is known to others. Among them is the saying of the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him and his family: “The best water on the face of the earth is Zamzam water; In it is good food and a cure for sickness.” Al-Tabarani included it in his dictionaries “Al-Awsat” and “Al-Kabeer” from the hadith of Ibn Abbas, may God be pleased with them.

And what came on the authority of Ibn Abbas, may God be pleased with them, he said: “We used to call Zamzam a saturation, and we claimed that it was a blessing to help the children.” It was included by Abd al-Razzaq and Ibn Abi Shaybah in their “Musannaf” and al-Tabarani in “The Great Lexicon”.

And our master Al-Abbas, may God be pleased with him, used to say: “I would not like to have all the money of the people of Makkah with it.” Ibn Saad included it in “Al-Tabaqat”.

As for washing the dead with Zamzam water; The people of Mecca used to wash their dead with it. for her blessing and grace; On the authority of Ibn Abi Malika, he said: “I was the first to preach Asmaa, may God be pleased with her, with the permission to send down Abdullah bin Al-Zubayr, may God be pleased with them both. In it was Zamzam water and Yemeni youth, so we made us give it to her limb by limb, so she washed it, then we took it from her and put it in the next one. She died.” It was included by Al-Fakihi in “Akhbar Makkah”, and he said, following it: “And the people of Makkah are on this until our day, they wash their dead with Zamzam water.

The permissibility of washing the dead with Zamzam water is what the Maliki gentlemen went to in their well-known opinion. Imam al-Adawi al-Maliki said in “Hashiyat al-Adawi ala Sharh Kifayat al-Talib al-Rabbani” (1/411, ed. Dar al-Fikr): [(قوله: بماء وسدر)؛ أي: ويندب أن يكون بماء وسدر وهو ورق النبق، وأطلق في الماء فيدخل ماء زمزم وهو المشهور] Uh.

Accordingly, it is permissible to wash the dead with the blessed water of Zamzam, due to its blessing and preference over all other waters. In accordance with the saying of those who permitted this among the scholars.

#permissible #boil #Zamzam #water #drinks #cooking..The #fatwa #answers..Video



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