Is it bad to skip meals to lose weight?

Diet is a key factor in losing weight. Therefore, before starting a process of these, it is advisable to consult a doctor to find out how many kilos it is healthy to lose; and a nutritionist, to prepare and provide a nutritional plan, according to the needs of each individual.

“There are some factors that can affect your weight. These include age, medications, daily living habits, and the genes she has inherited from her parents. If you want to lose weight, talk to your doctor about factors that may affect your weight. Together you can create a plan for you to reach your weight and health goals”, recommends the National Institutes of Health of the United States (NIH, for its acronym in English).

Some people resort to strange diets or preparations that they find on the internet, which can be harmful to health. On this, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention indicate that “fad diets may promise quick results, but these diets limit the amount of nutrients you take in, can be unhealthy and tend to fail in the long term.

There are also those who prefer to skip meals during the day to lose weight, but, In order not to make these mistakes, it is important to have the supervision of a doctor.

“If you skip a meal, you can end up feeling hungrier. This can cause you to eat more than usual at the next meal. Studies show a link between skipping breakfast and obesity. People who skip breakfast tend to weigh more than people who eat a healthy breakfast,” the NIH explains.

Something that must be taken into account is that, to obtain good results when getting on the scale, you must have commitment and discipline with the physical training and meal plan, provided by experts.

Likewise, To avoid gaining the weight that had been lost, you must have habits that contribute to it. “Healthy weight loss isn’t just about following a diet or program. It’s about a lifestyle that includes healthy eating and regular physical activity,” the CDC says.

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Recommendations to lose weight

Mayo Clinic, a nonprofit organization dedicated to clinical practice, education and research, outlines a list of questions to ask yourself before beginning a weight loss journey to make sure you are prepared for the changes ahead .

  • “Am I motivated to lose weight?
  • Am I too distracted by other pressures?
  • Do I use food as a means of coping with stress?
  • Am I ready to learn or use other coping strategies?
  • Do I need other support, either from friends or professionals, to manage stress?
  • Am I willing to change my eating habits?
  • Am I willing to change my activity habits?
  • Do I have the time to make these changes?

Making a list with the motivations to do it is also another of the tips that Mayo Clinic offers. It is important to find the inner motivation and that which will be an impulse to complete the weight loss process.

“Make a list of what’s important to you so you stay motivated and focused, whether it’s your next vacation or achieving better overall health. Then see how you can draw on your motivators during times of temptation. For example, maybe you want to put a note of encouragement on the pantry door or on the refrigerator, “recommends the health entity.

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