Is Hilo by Hydro-Québec a Secure Solution for Energy Optimization? Find Out from a Cybersecurity Expert

2023-09-19 02:35:05

A Quebecer wonders: the state company Hydro-Québec recommends its subsidiary Hilo, but is it to better monitor its customers’ data?

Hilo is a smart home system offering solutions to optimize energy consumption.

Trilogiam cybersecurity consultant Jacques Sauvé immediately agrees: this system will indeed send data to Hydro-Québec.

“Look, our meters already do it; anyone can log on to the Hydro website, and we can already see all the consumption and trends in our residence. […] Now, is Hilo going to tell Hydro-Québec that I just put on my Tintin pajamas and then poured myself a good scotch before listening to my favorite news show “Mind Your Business”? Well no!” reassures Mr. Sauvé.

According to the cybersecurity expert, other technologies are much more likely to compromise our data and our privacy, “like the applications we put on our phones.”

“The TikToks and Threads of this world, as well as the intelligent assistants that we deploy in our homes” are among these technologies, exemplifies Mr. Sauvé.

The cybersecurity consultant also indicates that he himself monitors his energy consumption from the Hydro-Québec website, which allows him to save money.

“And the goal of Hilo is precisely that, it is to help you better manage your heating and your electricity consumption. So yes, go ahead, it’s perfect, it’s a very good system. Go ahead,” he warmly recommends.

See the full explanations from Trilogiam cybersecurity consultant Jacques Sauvé in the video at the top of the article.

#HydroQuébec #recommends #Hilo #smart #home #monitor #data



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