Is Baking Soda Effective for Weight Loss? Risks, Side Effects and Healthier Alternatives

2023-06-04 08:40:27

Baking soda is a common household product that can be used for baking and to treat indigestion. Some people try to use baking soda to lose weight. People considering using baking soda for this purpose should keep certain health risks in mind.

Below, we take a look at whether baking soda is actually effective for weight loss, as well as the safety issues and potential side effects associated with its use. We also explain how to lose weight in a healthy way.

The theory

Some people consume baking soda to lose weight. They can drink it with water or another liquid. However, there is no scientific evidence to suggest that baking soda helps a person lose weight.

Does it work ?

Baking soda, also known as sodium bicarbonate, is mildly alkaline. Some people believe that ingesting alkaline substances promotes weight loss.
However, scientific research has not found evidence to support this theory. The body naturally regulates its pH to ensure that it is neither too acidic nor too alkaline. What a person eats has very little effect on this process. Therefore, consuming baking soda to make the body more alkaline and aid weight loss is highly unlikely to work.

Drinking baking soda with water is one method people can use to try to lose weight. In some cases, this method can help a person lose weight, but probably not with baking soda. Research suggests that consuming more water can help a person lose weight. Therefore, any weight loss seen by drinking baking soda with water may be due to the water rather than the baking soda. By drinking more water, people may not feel the need to eat as much. In addition, the presence of more water in the body can promote the breakdown of fats.

Security issues

Consuming baking soda can cause various side effects. Ingestion of baking soda causes the need to urinate more, which doctors call bicarbonate diuresis. By urinating more than usual, the body loses chloride, sodium, potassium and water, all of which are necessary for the normal functioning of the body.

Too much baking soda can impair kidney function, potentially preventing them from properly filtering baking soda. In extreme cases, dehydration due to the need to urinate and the inability to replenish water in the body can lead to serious complications.

In one case study, a person suffered from hemorrhagic encephalopathy, which involves bleeding and inflammation in the brain, following ingesting a large amount of baking soda. The authors suggested this may be because consuming large amounts of baking soda can lead to higher than normal blood sodium levels, known as hypernatremia. In severe cases, hypernatremia can cause neurons and brain cells to shrink. This narrowing can cause brain hemorrhages because it increases the tension on the veins of the skull, which eventually ruptures the blood vessels.

Ingesting too much baking soda often causes vomiting and diarrhea. The reason for this is that the high amount of sodium draws water into the digestive tract to help absorb it. Once absorbed by the body, sodium can cause seizures, dehydration and kidney failure. Ingesting too much baking soda can also lead to breathing difficulties. If the body becomes too alkaline, it works to restore its acidity by keeping the carbon dioxide inside the lungs instead of exhaling it. Another very serious potential side effect of ingesting too much baking soda is stomach rupture, which can occur due to the rapid formation of gas in the stomach. People are more likely to experience a stomach rupture following drinking alcohol or eating a large meal, as these activities increase the amount of gas already in the stomach.


Poison control centers recommend once morest ingesting baking soda alone for any reason, unless recommended by a healthcare professional. In this case, they should only take baking soda as recommended by their doctor.

Some people are more prone to side effects than others. People who should avoid using baking soda are the elderly and those with alcohol use disorders, low blood volume in the body, or kidney or lung disease. People who use baking soda for purposes other than cooking or baking should always contact their doctor. The potential side effects of consuming baking soda in large amounts, either alone or with water, are potentially serious. A person who has consumed baking soda may need emergency medical assistance.

Healthy weight loss

You are more likely to reach and maintain your goal weight by losing weight gradually and steadily. It is recommended not to lose more than 1 kilogram per week.

Physical activity

To lose weight, it is important to set realistic goals. These goals should be both long-term and short-term, each with a reward at the end. For example, if a person wants to lose 5 kg, this is a long-term goal. A short-term goal might be the number of steps a person wants to take each day to lose that weight. Other short-term goals might be to walk to and from work or take a 20-minute bike ride over the weekend.

Short-term goals should be specific and realistic.

For one reason or another, such as a longer work day or family obligations, people may not achieve their short-term goals. This is completely normal, and you should try to set new achievable goals as soon as possible.

A healthy diet

Healthy eating habits are essential for lasting weight loss. Most people pick up their eating habits during childhood, and it can be difficult, but not impossible, to change them. It is important not to make sudden and drastic changes in diet, such as eating only one salad at each meal. Although this approach may result in short-term weight loss, it is very difficult to stick with and may not provide all the nutrients people need.

Instead, try a three-step approach to developing healthier eating habits:

Reflect on eating habits, good or bad, and identify the triggers of those that are harmful to health.
Replace less healthy eating habits with healthier ones.
Reinforce new eating habits.

For example, if a person realizes that they are eating too quickly, they may consciously strive to eat more slowly. To do this, she can, among other things, voluntarily put down her kitchen utensils between bites. Another strategy is to plan healthy meals and then prepare them for the following week. A person can prepare all their meals for the week during the weekend. This helps reduce the temptation to buy takeout or fast food.

As with physical activity goals, it’s important not to think that one day when you return to your old eating habits means that all your efforts are wasted. Failures are not uncommon, but it is important to start from scratch the next day and continue to reinforce your new healthy habits.


There is no scientific evidence for the effectiveness of baking soda for weight loss. In fact, ingesting large amounts of baking soda, alone or with water, can have many potentially dangerous side effects. There are other ways to lose weight that are likely to be more effective.

* Presse Santé strives to transmit health knowledge in a language accessible to all. In NO CASE, the information given can not replace the opinion of a health professional.

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