2023-04-24 13:05:38
In April, do not discover yourself with a thread, but in May, do what you please. The famous adage might very well come true this year, which is not so abnormal as that. “Let’s take a step back”, temper the meteorologists!
Journalist of the Walloon cell
By Jean-Luc Bodeux
Reading time: 4 mins
Du wind, rain, cold and little light, the month of April that some are already describing as rotten… is it really so? For Pascal Mormal, meteorologist at the IRM, “we have been quite spoiled in recent years with fairly mild temperatures in the spring, and this clouds our current vision, because we are finally quite close to the averages when we analyze over time. And there is absolutely no reason to worry. Belgium lives in a temperate oceanic climate, let’s not forget that! »
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