Is apple cider vinegar good for diabetics?

2024-08-07 16:12:50

Thanks to Dr. Jean-Michel Cohen, nutritionist, author and founder of the Cohen Method

What is apple cider vinegar?

Apple cider vinegar comes from the double fermentation of apples.

The first fermentation converts apple sugar into alcohol, producing cider. Second fermentation occurs when bacteria convert the alcohol in the cider into acetic acid to form apple cider vinegar.

Apple cider vinegar contains organic acids, polyphenols, vitamins and minerals, including potassium, which are essential for health. Mainly used for seasoning and preserving food.

What are its health benefits?

Apple cider vinegar is thought to have many health benefits: With anti-inflammatory properties, it helps:

From a more “beauty” perspective, apple cider vinegar also helps maintain the elasticity of your skin and hair.

In addition, some people have also proposed this theory: Apple cider vinegar helps regulate blood sugar and insulin (if you have diabetes). One study suggests that the acetic acid in vinegar may have similar properties to metformin, the main drug used to treat type 2 diabetes. In other words, while apple cider vinegar doesn’t replace medications, it does have the ability to lower blood sugar levels, which is especially beneficial for people with diabetes. To nutritionist Jean-Michel Cohen, the supposed benefits of apple cider vinegar are a big joke. “It all started with an article that suggested that we occasionally experience blood sugar spikes after meals and that if we took apple cider vinegar after a carbohydrate-rich meal, we would reduce those spikes. In fact, it is useless and you have to be careful as it is an acidic product and may not be suitable for everyone. Nutritionists warn.

Best way to lower blood sugar?

Avoid fast sugars as they are quickly absorbed by the body. They are mainly found in candies, chocolates, pastries, pastries, ice cream and even jams. Limit your fruit intake and eat no more than two whole fruits a day as they are high in fructose and therefore sugar. Increase your vegetable intake, as fiber helps slow the body’s absorption of sugar.

Also read

Diabetes: Which fruits to eat and which to avoid? Health Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar

[Dossier] Diabetes: Everything you need to know – 10 helpful articles

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