Is an RSS missing? AI boosted Feedly delivers! Multimedia test

RSS: Feedly perfects its AI.

Following dozens, even hundreds of websites, is not easy unless you have the necessary technology. When available, RSS feeds are there for that. And when they are not or no longer there, Feedly and its algorithms or artificial intelligence (AI) take over. Multimedia testing…

Netvibes user for an eternity, I regret for several years the disappearance of its VIP service. So I recently decided to take the bull by the horns and switch to another feed aggregator. My choice fell on Feedly, in particular because I already had an account for quite some time…

Of Netvibes à Feedly!

In no time at all, I exported my RSS feeds from Netvibes as an XML file. After renaming it to OPML, I found all my RSS feeds from dozens and dozens of specialized sites, general information sites, etc. in a few seconds.

With the help of Feedly, I then took advantage of this migration to develop various monitoring, including that of general news. I took the opportunity to add the few sites that are no longer able to produce RSS feeds today due to their digital incompetence…

A paid offer for more functions

Indeed, generating an RSS feed is disconcertingly simple from any CMS, since this technology was developed regarding 25 years ago for this purpose… Unfortunately, some webmasters no longer seem connected enough to offer this basic service. There are still thousands, even hundreds of thousands of streams in the world

Either way, don’t panic. Feedly took matters into its own hands several years ago to make it possible to generate RSS feeds for websites that do not allow it. To benefit from it, you must subscribe to the paid Pro+ offer at $99 the first year, then at just over $140, excluding promotions…

For this price, Feedly does not only offer its excellent feed generator, or the possibility of following up to 2500 RSS feeds, but also offers various AI-powered solutions to clean up feeds, for example by deleting duplicates or by improvements in monitoring thanks to optimized streams.

Fix aggregate feeds with AI

A very interesting option allows for example to follow all its feeds, or even all the feeds listed by Feedly by keywords. Better, with Boolean operators, it is possible to refine its monitoring, by specifying in particular that certain keywords must appear in the title. You can also exclude certain unwanted terms or feeds.

Better, we can give indications to the AI ​​to point out very relevant articles or on the contrary not very appropriate. We can thus special feeds boosted with AI to prioritize its content over the long term.

Search by keywords

In addition to this, to react quickly to certain needs, it is possible to use “Power Search” to search for specific keywords on the fly both in its feeds and more broadly through Feedly, which also offers multiple flow packets to follow.

Feedly also makes it easy to share content by email on LinkedIn or Twitter, not to mention WordPress. It is also possible to configure kinds of tables to pin the articles that you do not want to forget. It is also possible to create a list of favorites or to read certain articles later.

Finally, and this is very important, it is possible to sort the articles from the most recent to the oldest or vice versa, even to display the most popular at the top. Finally, if you only want to consult a few titles, you will choose the magazine display while the super user will rather turn to the titles and the most compact mode possible… No doubt, Feedly is a must in our digital society. some information.

Xavier Studer



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