Irumu: Military administrator suspends gold mining work in a conflict zone between 2 groups

The military administrator of the Irumu territory, Colonel N’siro Simba Bunga Jean, on Friday raided the village of Muhuma, a conflict zone between the Kabarole and Bavandi groups, respectively in the chiefdoms of Bahema d’Irumu and Baboa Bokoe, northwest of the city of Bunia.

According to the territorial executive, this descent is due to the boundary conflict that persists between the said groups. Which, it says, does not promote peaceful cohabitation.

The same source added that all activity related to gold mining in the village of Muhuma, a conflict zone, has been suspended pending the visit of experts from the Geographic Institute and the Ministry of the Interior in the coming days, to definitively demarcate the entities.

“We met on the ground, not to definitively resolve the conflicts, but to find a temporary solution while waiting for the descent of the experts of the geographical institute and the Ministry of the Interior for their definitive delimitation of the entities. We have suspended all activity to be undertaken in the conflict zone,” he said in an interview with his communication unit.

The territory of Irumu has, these days, more than 75 cases of land conflicts, according to the latest data from the territorial administration. The expectation of the descent of the experts of the Geographic Institute to overcome this form of insecurity is of capital importance.

2024-07-20 14:06:31
#Irumu #Military #administrator #suspends #gold #mining #work #conflict #zone #groups



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