Irish Citizenship Ceremony: 14% of Indian Applicants Granted Citizenship

2023-10-03 11:10:38

Dublin – 14% of Irish citizenships are Indians. Three thousand immigrants were granted citizenship yesterday at a ceremony held at The Convention Center in Spencerdock, Dublin. A total of 3,039 applicants from 131 countries around the world were granted citizenship in three separate ceremonies.

Irish citizenship ceremony held in Ireland last day. Image Courtesy: Facebook/Department of Justice Ireland

Normally less than ten percent of Indian applicants take up Irish citizenship, but this time it increased to 13%. This time, 421 people who arrived in Ireland from India received citizenship. UK 254, Brazil 181, Poland 169, Nigeria 153, Romania 143, Philippines 137, Pakistan 128, China 85 and South Africa 80 are the top ten countries that have received citizenship this time.

Irish citizenship ceremony held in Ireland last day. Image Courtesy: Facebook/Department of Justice Ireland

Justice Minister Helen McEntee, who attended the ceremony as the chief guest, said that while millions of Irish people migrated to other countries in the past, many people are now very happy to come to Ireland. It is very important that 20% of the people living in Ireland are not born in this country, but their culture and heritage should be integrated with the Irish culture. Helen McEntee said that citizenship is now a reward for Irish immigrants.

Irish citizenship ceremony held in Ireland last day. Image Courtesy: Facebook/Department of Justice Ireland

This time citizenship was given to those living in 32 counties of Ireland. Of these, 1,386 people living in Dublin were granted citizenship. Other counties with the highest number of Irish citizens are Cork 280, Kildare 178, Meath 139 and Galway 135. Armagh, Fermanagh and Tyrone have the lowest. This time, two people each received citizenship from these places. In 2023 alone, 11,000 people have been granted citizenship in Ireland.

English Summary: Ireland granted citizenship to people from 131 countries

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