Iran’s Quest for a New Age of Diplomacy

Iran’s Quest for a New Age of Diplomacy

TEHRAN (EFE).— The president of Iran, Masud Pezeshkiancalled yesterday to eliminate problems with neighboring countries and the world to resolve the economic crisis in the country.

“I still believe that we must maintain our internal cohesion and eliminate our internal differences and unite to eliminate our problems with our neighbors and the world,” the reformist Iranian president said in his first television interview after forming his government.

Referring to the country’s economic problems, which are suffering from 35 percent inflation and are under U.S. sanctions, Pezeshkian said that part of the economic issue depends on internal affairs and the other part on foreign relations.

“Trade, industry, monetary and financial issues, and the type of conflict and economic security and investment depend on our foreign relations,” stressed Pezeshkian, who has repeatedly advocated for engaging with Western countries to resolve differences, especially around the 2015 nuclear deal, which the US abandoned in 2018 and reimposed sanctions against Iran.

Since the collapse of the nuclear deal, Tehran has stopped complying with the limits imposed by the pact on its nuclear program, reaching the point of enriching uranium up to 60%, approaching the 90% needed for weapons production.

#Iran #seeks #relationship
2024-09-15 06:35:55

-​ What⁣ are the ⁣common attributes ⁤of the HTML `

` ‍element?


Element: A ​Comprehensive Guide

What is the



element is a​ generic container element used to group together other HTML elements and apply styles, layout, and semantic meaning to them. It is one of the most ⁤commonly⁣ used elements in ⁤HTML‍ and⁣ is essential for structuring and organizing content on a web ⁤page.

How to use the


To use the

element, simply‌ wrap it around⁢ the content you want to group together. For example:

This is a paragraph of text.

  • Item 1

  • Item 2

In this‍ example, the

​element is used to group ⁣together a paragraph of text ⁢and an unordered list.

Attributes of the

⁣ element


element can have several attributes that provide additional information⁣ about the element. Some of the most commonly used attributes include:

class: specifies one ⁤or more classes for the element, which can be used to apply styles or semantic meaning.

id: specifies​ a ​unique ID‌ for the element, which‌ can be used‍ to target the element with CSS or ⁢JavaScript.

style: specifies an inline style for the⁢ element, which can​ be used to apply styles directly to ⁢the element.

title: specifies a tooltip or title for the element, which⁢ can ​be displayed when the user hovers over the element.

Semantic meaning of the⁢



element has no inherent semantic ⁢meaning, which means it does not provide⁢ any information about the content it contains. However, by applying classes or ⁤ARIA attributes ⁣to the element,⁤ you can provide additional semantic meaning and make the content more accessible to screen readers and other assistive technologies.

Common use cases for the



element ‌has a wide range of use cases, including:

Creating layout containers to organize content on a web page.

Grouping together multiple elements to apply styles or semantic ⁤meaning.

‍Creating responsive‌ design elements, such as flexible grids or layouts.

‍Providing a container for ⁤JavaScript-generated content, such as ‌dynamic UI components.

Best practices for using the


When ⁤using the‍

‌element, it’s essential​ to ‍follow best practices to ensure that your HTML is semantic, accessible,⁢ and easy to maintain. Some best ⁢practices include:

Use the

‌element ⁣sparingly and only when necessary.

Apply meaningful ‍classes‌ or ARIA ⁢attributes to provide semantic⁤ meaning.

Avoid using the

element as‍ a generic container for everything on the page.

Use HTML5 semantic‌ elements, such as

, ⁣