Iranian Leader Khamenei Orders Military to Be Ready for War if Israel Attacks

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Iranian Leader Khamenei Orders Military to Be Ready for War if <a data-mil=Israel Attacks”/>

Ali Khamenei. (Al Jazeera)

Iranian leader Iran“>Ayatollah Ali Khamenei has reportedly ordered the military to prepare for war if Israel attacks.

Citing anonymous sources in Iran, the New York Times reported that the scale of Iran’s retaliation would depend on the severity of the Israeli attack.

Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei has ordered the military to prepare plans for retaliation if Iran launches an attack, the US newspaper said on Thursday (24/10).

If an Israeli attack causes significant damage and casualties, Iran will retaliate, Iranian officials said. However, if it only hits military targets, the Israeli attack is unlikely to trigger a larger escalation.

Khamenei said retaliatory attacks were inevitable if Israel targeted critical infrastructure or high-ranking Iranian officials.

In retaliation, Iran could launch up to 1,000 missiles, increase local attacks by pro-Iranian groups, and disrupt energy supplies passing through the Persian Gulf and the Strait of Hormuz.

On October 1, Iran carried out a massive missile attack on Israel – its second in history – and called it an act of self-defense.

Israel claims that most of the approximately 180 missiles launched by Iran were successfully intercepted. None of their citizens were killed in the attack.

According to Iran, the missiles they launched hit Israeli military targets. On the other hand, Israel admitted that the damage caused was minimal and was determined to retaliate against Iran’s attack. (Ant/Z-2)

#Iranian #Leader #Khamenei #Orders #Military #Ready #War #Israel #Attacks
Interview with Dr. Leila Ahmad, Middle East Analyst

Editor: ‍Dr. Ahmad, thank you⁤ for joining ⁤us ​today.‌ We’ve received reports that Iranian leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei has ordered the military to‍ be ready for potential conflict with Israel. What are the implications of this directive?

Dr. Ahmad: Thank you for ‌having me. Khamenei’s order is significant and reflects the‌ heightened tensions in the region. It marks​ a‍ clear message that Iran is prepared to respond forcefully if provoked. This readiness for ‌war,‌ as indicated, could lead to an escalation that may⁢ affect not just Iran⁢ and Israel but the broader geopolitical landscape.

Editor: The New York Times mentioned that Iran’s ⁢response would depend on the severity of any Israeli attack. Could you elaborate on ⁢what this means?

Dr. Ahmad: Absolutely. This indicates a calculated approach on Iran’s part. If an attack is ⁢perceived as a direct threat to Iran’s sovereignty‌ or‍ its crucial assets—like its nuclear ‌facilities ⁣or military infrastructure—then we could expect a much more severe and coordinated retaliation. Conversely, if the attack is ‍more limited, ⁣Iran may opt for a measured response. It reflects the‍ age-old principle of deterrence, where actions are carefully weighed before retaliating.

Editor: What are the potential consequences of a military ‍escalation in this context?

Dr. Ahmad: A military confrontation between Iran and Israel risks drawing ⁢in other regional powers and allies. For instance, Hezbollah and various proxy groups could become‍ involved, leading to a wider conflict. Additionally, the global implications could be far-reaching,​ affecting oil markets ⁤and international relations. It’s‍ a delicate situation where ‍one miscalculation could spiral ⁢out of control.

Editor: How should the international community react to this news?

Dr. Ahmad: ⁣ The international community must prioritize diplomacy and de-escalation. Engaging Iran and ‍Israel in dialogue,⁣ while involving other regional players, is ‌crucial. Sanctions and military ⁢posturing will‌ only heighten tensions. It’s imperative that all parties recognize the ‌gravity ⁤of the situation to avert a potentially catastrophic conflict.

Editor: Thank you, Dr. Ahmad, for ⁤your insights on this critical‌ matter.

Dr. Ahmad: Thank you​ for having me. It’s vital that we stay informed and engaged in ​these discussions.

Interview with Dr. Leila Ahmad, Middle East Analyst

Editor: Dr. Ahmad, thank you for joining us today. We’ve received reports that Iranian leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei has ordered the military to be ready for potential conflict with Israel. What are the implications of this directive?

Dr. Ahmad: Thank you for having me. Khamenei’s order is significant and reflects the heightened tensions in the region. It marks a clear message that Iran is prepared to respond forcefully if provoked. This readiness for war, as indicated, could lead to an escalation that may affect not just Iran and Israel but also the broader geopolitical landscape, involving other regional and global powers.

Editor: The New York Times mentioned that Iran’s response would depend on the severity of any Israeli attack. Could you elaborate on what this means?

Dr. Ahmad: Absolutely. This indicates a calculated approach on Iran’s part. If an attack is perceived as a direct threat to Iran’s sovereignty or critical assets—such as its nuclear facilities or military infrastructure—then we could expect a much more severe and coordinated retaliation. Conversely, if the attack is more limited and targets military assets rather than civilian infrastructure or officials, Iran may choose to respond in a more restrained manner to avoid a full-scale conflict.

Editor: You’ve mentioned that Iran could potentially launch up to 1,000 missiles in retaliation. What impact would such an action have on the region and global stability?

Dr. Ahmad: A massive missile retaliation would significantly escalate hostilities not just between Iran and Israel but also draw in international players. This could lead to military engagements involving the U.S. and its allies, heightening tensions across the Persian Gulf. Additionally, disruptions in energy supplies from this region would have global economic ramifications, leading to increased oil prices and instability in international markets.

Editor: Given the recent missile attack from Iran on October 1, which Israel claimed was largely intercepted, how do you see the results of that incident influencing future decisions on both sides?

Dr. Ahmad: The October 1 missile attack demonstrated Iran’s willingness to engage militarily, which could embolden Tehran to act similarly in the future, especially if it feels cornered. Meanwhile, Israel’s successful interception serves as a reminder of its military capabilities and determination to protect its territory. This cycle of provocation and retaliation can create a dangerous precedent that might tempt both sides into miscalculations, making future conflicts more likely.

Editor: Thank you for your insights, Dr. Ahmad. It’s clear that the situation remains complex and volatile. We appreciate you sharing your expertise with us today.

Dr. Ahmad: Thank you for having me. It’s a crucial time for regional stability, and I hope for diplomatic solutions that can prevent further escalation.

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