Iran welcomes Iraq’s help to resume nuclear talks | Middle East

Centrifuges inside the Natanz nuclear facility, Iran. (Photo: AFP/VNA)

On February 13, the spokesperson Iran’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs Nasser Kanaani said Tehran appreciates the efforts of the Iraqi government to help resume rescue talks nuclear deal 2015.

Speaking at a regular press conference, Kanaani said Iraqi Foreign Minister Fuad Hussein held separate consultations on nuclear negotiations with his Iranian counterpart Hossein Amir-Abdollahian and the US Special Envoy for Iran. Robert Malley.

Iran’s state news agency (IRNA) quoted Kanaani as saying that some countries had previously tried to mediate to resume the talks. nuclear negotiationswhile several other countries are volunteering to play a role in this process through their relationships with both Iran and the United States.

[Iran nhận được thông điệp của các bên tham gia thỏa thuận hạt nhân]

The diplomat stressed that Iran will seriously evaluate Iraq’s efforts if it wants to play a role in helping the nuclear negotiations come to an end.

Kanaani also reaffirmed Tehran’s commitment to negotiations to create a basis for the parties to return to nuclear negotiations, with the priority being to lift all sanctions imposed on the Government and people of Iran.

The diplomat expressed hope that other parties, especially the US administration, will honor their obligations in a substantive manner in line with their statements that they are ready to return to the nuclear agreement. /.

Cao Van Ung (VNA/Vietnam+)

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