Iran is investigating A dark hand releases a poisonous gas. Assaulted 650 female students

Foreign news agencies reported on February 28, 2023 that Iranian authorities are conducting an investigation. More than 650 female students in various schools have been attacked by toxic gas since November last year. It is believed that the incident was intentional with the aim of forcing the school to close.

So far, no female student has died. But dozens are hospitalized for respiratory problems, dizziness, nausea and fatigue.

Iran’s deputy health minister issued a statement on Sunday saying: The female students were attacked with non-military-grade chemicals. and the general public can supply The incident was evidence that someone wanted the school. Especially girls’ schools had to close.

However, he later issued a revised statement saying: His previous words were a misunderstanding.

Iran’s Attorney General announced last week that They will begin investigating the incident as a criminal case. He stated that The information currently available indicates that There is a possibility that the incident was a crime. And it was a premeditated act.

The first attack occurred on November 30, 2022, when 18 students from Nour technical school in Kom province were taken to hospitals. attack target

over the past week At least 194 female students were injured by the gas at four schools in the town of Beauroujerd. within the province of Lorestan west of the country And on Tuesday, another 37 students were poisoned at an all-girls school in Pardis. near Tehran

The attack sparked a growing wave of discontent in society. at the beginning of February Hundreds of people protested in front of the Kom Provincial Administrative Office. Calling on authorities to ensure the safety of children As one female protester declares this is war, someone wants the girls to stay at home.



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