Iran and China call for respecting Syria’s sovereignty and lifting the embargo to resume the nuclear deal

With the conclusion of Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi’s visit to Beijing, Iran and China call in a joint statement to categorically confront the efforts of some governments to politicize the work of the International Atomic Energy Agency.

  • Joint Iranian-Chinese statement: cancel the embargo to resume the nuclear deal

Iran and China stressed in a joint statement today, Thursday, the need to cancel the embargo measures as part of a test of confidence aimed at resuming the comprehensive and effective implementation of the nuclear agreement.

The joint statement issued at the conclusion of Iranian President Ibrahim Raisi’s visit to Beijing considered that the nuclear agreement approved by the UN Security Council under Resolution No. 2231 is useful for ensuring the nature of the Iranian nuclear program, holding the US unilateral withdrawal from the agreement the main responsibility for the current situation.

The statement stressed that the abolition of the embargo and Iran’s guarantee of its economic interests are two main and essential parts of the nuclear agreement, and that it is necessary to cancel all embargo measures within the framework of the confidence test to facilitate the process of resuming the comprehensive and effective implementation of the agreement.

The two sides also renewed the position in support of making the Middle East region free of nuclear weapons and other weapons of mass destruction, and support for the outcomes of the conference to review the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty regarding the need for “Israel” to join it, and to place all its facilities under the supervision of the International Atomic Energy Agency’s guarantee treaty.

The statement stressed the importance of nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation, to establish world peace and respect for the rights of the member states of the Non-Proliferation Treaty, in developing nuclear science and technology and obtaining nuclear materials, technology and equipment used in the peaceful field, opposing coercive unilateral measures, or restrictive and politicized measures for any country that in turn prevents the application of human rights. A country that is a member of the Non-Proliferation Treaty, from the development and use of nuclear energy in peaceful fields.

The two sides called for categorically addressing the efforts of some governments aimed at politicizing the work of the International Atomic Energy Agency in implementing guarantee agreements, supporting the International Agency in carrying out its supervisory and credibility responsibilities in a neutral and professional manner.

The Syrian file

Likewise, the two sides stressed the need for the international community to support the principle of “through the Syrians for the sake of the Syrians” and to respect the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Syria.

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The statement also called on the international community to commit to the comprehensive political process, reconciliation, accelerate the pace of reconstruction, combat terrorism effectively, and immediately cancel the illegal economic sanctions against the Syrian people.

Chinese President to Iran

Chinese President Xi Jinping will visit Iran, the Chinese Foreign Ministry announced at the end of the Iranian president’s three-day visit to China.

A joint statement from the two countries said Xi Jinping “gladly accepted the invitation” of his Iranian counterpart, but the date of the visit was not mentioned.

Earlier in the day, Raisi called his visit to China “extremely fruitful and successful,” expressing his hope to advance cooperation with China in various fields.

In a press statement upon his arrival in Tehran, Raisi announced the signing of 20 memorandums of cooperation in the presence of the presidents of the two countries, stressing that there is a serious desire on both sides to enhance cooperation in the trade, economic, energy, scientific and technological fields.

The Chinese Foreign Ministry said yesterday that Raisi’s first visit to Beijing will help stability in the Middle East, and will not target any third party, but will contribute to the well-being of the Iranian and Chinese peoples.

The Iranian president had met his Chinese counterpart on his eighth foreign visit during the Shanghai Cooperation Organization summit in Samarkand a few months ago. In the bilateral meeting, the Chinese president officially invited his Iranian counterpart to visit Beijing.

Also read: China is the destination for Iranian oil… How did Tehran thwart Washington’s sanctions?

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