IPS suspends validation of proof of life for retirees for 90 days

Asuncion, IP Agency.- The Board of Directors decided to suspend for 90 days the proof of life of retirees and pensioners of the Social Security Institute (IPS), until the technological solution tending to the validation of survival is operational.

Through a statement, the social security institution informed all retirees and pensioners about the temporary suspension of the certificate of life of IPS retirees and pensioners for a period of 90 days, starting on September 1, 2024, until the technological solution for validating survival is operational.

In this context, he announced that as methods to be used for survival control, the cross-checking and exchange of information contained in databases of official agencies of the Paraguayan State, as well as institutional databases, will continue to be carried out, according to the following detail:

  1. Ministry of Information and Communication Technology (Mitic)
  2. Ministry of Public Health and Social Welfare (MSPyBS).
  3. Civil Registry Office.
  4. Superior Court of Electoral Justice (TSJE).
  5. Long-Term Benefits System (Sbelap).
  6. Hospital Information System (SIN).
  7. Other reliable sources of information used by the Social Security Institute, as well as those produced through the use of devices and web applications with technology that includes biometric tools for the identification of people.
  8. Through financial and/or banking administrative entities contracted by the IPS for the payment of retirement and pension benefits.
  9. Home visits for people with mobility problems or random visits for on-site verification arranged by the administration.
  10. Other documentation as regulated by the Board of Directors.

He also made it clear that the control of survival through the in-person channel is voluntary and alternative for retirees and pensioners, and its use is limited to two situations:

  1. When the beneficiary, of his/her own free will, wishes to carry out the control using this method.
  2. When there is uncertainty about the presumed death of a retiree and/or pensioner, based on reports issued by the different systems used.

#IPS #suspends #validation #proof #life #retirees #days
2024-08-29 02:00:08



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