iPhone triggers Australian rescue after car crash

A Accident Detection (Crash Detection), resource of iPhones 14has proven to be an important tool in serious cases, as many of you may have already seen here.

More recently, the feature helped save a woman and her mother after a driver rear-ended their car in Australia.

According to information from Daily Mail, Australian Lilli Newman, 27, was with her mother in the vehicle when a driver traveling at 70 km/h collided with them. The crash caused her iPhone, placed in a cup holder at the front of the car, to be thrown.

The phone slammed into the dash, triggering Accident Detection. In addition to first responders, a message warning of the incident was sent to Newman’s father, who was one of his emergency contacts.

The three people involved in the accident were taken to hospital, with Newman’s mother suffering more serious injuries, including torn ligaments in her neck and shoulder.

However, both point out that the accident could have been much worse.

Apple changes guidance on Accident Detection

In addition to working in the right situations, the Accident Detection also accumulated some problems for not working properly. The problem was such that Apple has repeatedly sought to implement improvements.

Now, the company has updated the support document (in English) about the feature with new guidance for users — recommending that they not hang up if an accidental call is made and, instead, explain to the first responder that help is not needed.

If the call went through but you don’t need emergency services, don’t hang up. Wait until someone responds and explains that you don’t need help.

Apple also removed guidance in the support document that suggested users cancel a call during the audible alert that precedes the automatic call, as noted by the MacRumors.

Pay attention to the new recommendations, therefore.

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