The iPhone 16 series battery capacity has been revealed through regulatory documents filed with Brazilian regulator Anatel. The new models feature the following capacities: 3,561 mAh for the base iPhone 16, 4,674 mAh for the Plus, 3,582 mAh for the Pro, and 4,685 mAh for the Pro Max.
This data finally provides accurate information about the batteries of the new iPhones, which Apple traditionally does not communicate, preferring to focus on battery life improvements over previous models. Compared to the iPhone 15 series, we notice a increased capacity on all models, with the most significant on the Pro (+9.4%).
The true capabilities of the iPhone 16
The increased capabilities translate into increases in the battery life declared by Apple:
In addition to capacity, the documents also reveal the nominal voltage of the batteries, which is around 3.88V for all models. As for charging, the certification data suggests that the entire series supports fast charging via cable up to 45W, while for wireless it reaches 25W with MagSafe.