iPhone 14 Pro third-party software uses the camera, and the camera shakes violently and makes abnormal noises – Smartphone Brand News

Netizens who often use social software to take photos and videos, but want to get iPhone 14 Pro, pay attention! Recently, many netizens in foreign discussion forums encountered a disaster where the camera was turned on with third-party software, and the camera shook abnormally, and the degree of shaking was so severe that the camera module made a sound.

Epicfro1995, a netizen in the foreign discussion forum Reddit, posted that when his iPhone 14 Pro started Snapchat shooting, the camera began to shake intermittently. I have also tried reinstalling Snapchat, but it doesn’t work. The only way to solve it is to restart the phone.

Other netizens in the discussion thread said that they have encountered the same situation when using Instagram and TikTok, but the original camera is used normally, and not everyone has encountered it. It is speculated that it should be a software problem. Some users have reported to Apple, but There is no official solution yet. If the software is out of the package, then there is a chance to solve it as long as the third-party software or Apple system is updated. Users who rely heavily on third-party cameras should pay attention.

Citing source:RedditPhoneArena

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