iPhone 14 (Pro) bugs: lagging camera app and problems with AirDrop | News

Anyone who ordered an iPhone 14 early has been using it since Friday last week – unless it is the Plus model, which is still a long way off. So far, the feedback has been quite positive, especially the Pro versions are convincing with exclusive features such as the significantly improved camera system, the always-on display and the Dynamic Island. However, iOS 16 sometimes seems to make a somewhat immature impression on the new devices: Some users are currently reporting that the camera app is too sluggish and problems sending data via AirDrop.

Camera app is delayed
Some owners of the iPhone 14 Pro and Pro Max complain about problems when starting the camera app: It often takes four to five seconds before an image is displayed, which is hardly suitable for snapshots. In the meantime, those affected look at a black screen that does not allow any interaction. User xyz2610 im provides an insight into the problem MacRumors-Forum, who shares a corresponding screenshot. It turns out that the bug only affects Apple’s in-house camera application and only comes into play when the app is already running in the background. Restarting the device often helps, but the error soon reappears.

AirDrop sometimes doesn’t transmit data
Another bug occurs in connection with AirDrop: Those affected who want to send a file to a person saved in their contacts are put off with the notification “Waiting…”, but a transfer does not take place. The recipient is also not informed about the possibility of accepting the file. The bug only seems to affect offshoots of the new iPhone generation, even with the iPhone 14 without a name suffix, the phenomenon sometimes occurs. In order to be able to use the function anyway, there is currently only one workaround: users must configure AirDrop so that it can be received by anyone. According to feedback from those affected, Apple seems to be aware of the problem – and may fix it with the upcoming one Update.

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