iOS 16.2 battery life measurement video, iPhone 12/iPhone 13 changes slightly power consumption

Whenever a new operating system version is launched, you must worry about whether the battery life will deteriorate after the upgrade. iOS 16.2 is no exception, so I believe some readers are currently waiting and watching. For this reason, every iOS version will test the iAppleBytes channel for battery life performance. I uploaded the iOS 16.2 actual test video earlier. The results show that after the upgrade of iPhone 12 and iPhone 13, the battery life has declined slightly, especially the iPhone 13, which is quite impressive. Unexpected.

iOS 16.2 battery life measurement video, iPhone 12/iPhone 13 changes slightly power consumption

Like the iOS 16.1 version, the iPhone models tested for iOS 16.2 this time are: “iPhone 8, iPhone SE2020, iPhone XR, iPhone 11, iPhone 12, and iPhone 13”, using Geekbench’s battery test mode, so the battery life in actual use must be different Too much the same, but at least you can compare the operating system version differences.

First adjust the screen brightness to 25%:

Next is the battery health, iPhone 11, iPhone 12 and iPhone 13 are all 100%, iPhone SE2020 is the lowest among them, currently at 86%, and iPhone 8 is 96%:

After enabling the Geekbench battery test mode, the iPhone 8 and iPhone SE2020 were the first to run out of power, lasting 2 hours and 52 minutes and 3 hours and 37 minutes respectively:

Then there is the iPhone XR, which runs out of power in 5 hours and 38 minutes. The iPhone 11 is a little longer, and it takes 5 hours and 51 minutes to shut down. The iPhone 12 can last up to 6 hours and 29 minutes. Just looking at this, you may think that the battery life of the iPhone 12 is not bad:

The last iPhone 13 reached 8 hours and 20 minutes, which is quite amazing:

However, after checking the test results of iOS 16.1, it can be found that the iPhone 12 and iPhone 13 are regressive, 18 minutes and 52 minutes less respectively, and the iPhone 13 is almost an hour shorter. It stands to reason that the new version should be more popular with the new iPhone. I didn’t expect it to be different this time. The other four old iPhones didn’t have much impact:

In the running score part, the data are as follows:

  • iPhone 8:1695

  • iPhone SE2020:2163

  • iPhone XR:3337

  • iPhone 11:3488

  • iPhone 12:3876

  • iPhone 13:4990

Also compared with iOS 16.1, both iPhone 12 and iPhone 13 have regressed. It is no wonder that the battery life has deteriorated. For example, iPhone 13 can get a super high score of 5520 in iOS 16.1, and iPhone 12 also has 4050 points.

So, for friends who have these two iPhones, if you don’t want battery life to be affected, you can actually wait for the next version to be released before updating.

Full video:

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