2023-06-24 12:09:16
By Alicia De La Rosa June 24, 2023 at 03:00 hrs.
The angels and archangels manifest themselves in many ways and at various times. Open your heart and fill yourself with the energy that they emanate when you invoke them to thank or to illuminate your path.
Archangel Gabriel
Working and striving to meet professional goals should be the premise to move forward successfully in life. The angel Gabriel is your guide to light the way for you.
Archangel Michael
Changes with many obstacles that you must go through making decisions that allow you to move forward to achieve harmony and prosperity. Invoke the angel Michael to give you wisdom and accompanies you on that path.
Archangel Jofiel
Life gives you the opportunity to love, to feel, to thank. If there are grudges in your heart, take them out so that the blessings come to you. Turn the page and heal the wounds that the angel Jofiel will be there for you.
Archangel Sabrael
Fight for what you consider worthwhile to achieve success in your life. It’s regarding trying harder and meeting each challenge. Sabrael is the angel of miracles and he will help you out of the darkness.
Archangel Admael
When you least expected it, that person came into your life who, with a simple piece of advice, raised you up and made you stand up for yourself, now it’s up to you to help him. Ask the angel Admael for the miracle of healing for you and for those who need it.
Archangel Suriel
You need that extra energy to be able to move on and be that person who helps others solve situations that are collapsing spiritually. Invoke the angel Suriel to accompany you and give you his divine light.
Archangel Zadkiel
You feel lost and you don’t know what decision to make so that things improve and you can balance your economy and advance professionally. In patience there will be the moment to think and the angel Zadkiel will help you get out of any situation.
Archangel Zachariel
Your positive attitude and your desire to not stop the fight to achieve your goals is what drives you and helps you continue. Ask with faith Zachariel, the angel who empowers you and covers you with his divine light.
Archangel Muriel
Emotionally you feel down and you don’t know how to face the challenges that are to come. Don’t allow fear to paralyze you and move forward firmly. The angel Muriel gives you love and peace so that you can continue on the path.
The Archangel Phanuel
Don’t let the past and ego get in the way of your success. Fight tirelessly for what you want, the angel Fanuel is there to guide you on the way.
Archangel Raphael
You feel that you are not progressing in the proposed goals, that each obstacle becomes more difficult to overcome and that your spirit is weakening, your determination will give you strength to continue. The angel Rafael will be there to help you overcome fear.
Archangel Orifel
You must use a lot of willpower and integrity to get out of this situation. When you understand that you can take a different path, you will see the changes. The angel Orifiel will be there to guide you and heal your heart.
#advice #achieve #stroke #luck #Saturday #June #Publimetro #Colombia