The First International Congress of Sleep Medicine will be held on August 1 and 19 in Saltillo, an attendance of 350 visitors and an economic spill of 2.3 million is contemplated
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Associate of the Mexican Academy of sleep medicineArturo Valdés Álvarez and the president of the OCV Saltillo, Andrés Velasco Cuevas, announced the details of this event that will be held in a hybrid way, with the face-to-face part in the Auditorium of the Fuente Athenaeum, while in a virtual way it is expected to have thousand participants.
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Valdes Alvarez indicated that it will be an international event where teachers from more than 11 countries (Spain and Chile, among others) will participate, who will participate in person and hybrid, also because sleep disorders involve many specialties will also count with 11 modules, including pediatrics, anesthesiology, bariatric surgery, pulmonology and cardiology, among others.