2023-09-28 17:05:10
October 3, 2023, 8:30 a.m., Haus der Bauwirtschaft, Schaumburgergasse 20, 1040 Vienna, Hall 1, 1st floor
Vienna (OTS) – Dear ladies and gentlemen, dear media representatives!
We warmly invite you to
press conference of the WKÖ professional association the real estate and asset trustee
for the
Quarterly update of the 1st Austrian new construction report.
If: Tuesday, 3. October 2023, 8:30 a.m
Wo: House of the Construction Industry, Schaumburgergasse 20, 1040 Vienna, Hall 1 im 1. Stock
Your conversation partners are:
- Comm Michael IN WRITING, Deputy Chairman of the professional association and specialist group chairman in Vienna
- Johannes WILD, MSc MRICS, Deputy Chairman of the professional association and specialist group chairman in Lower Austria
they present Figures on nationwide new construction projects in the 3rd quarter of 2023 as well as the updated detailed data for Wien and Lower Austria.
Also one Online participation is possible, the The link will be sent following registration.
We ask for Register by October 2nd at the latest at: [email protected]
Questions & Contact:
DMC – Data & Media Center
Press office
Austrian Chamber of Commerce
T 0590 900 – 4462
E DMC_PR@wko.at
#INVITATION #WKÖ #Association #Real #Estate #Asset #Trustees #Quarterly #Update #1st #Austrian #Construction #Report