Investments under Law 60/90 exceed USD 190 million at the end of July

Asuncion, IP Agency.- Investments under the tax incentives law amounted to USD 196 million at the end of July this year. In the last month, 16 projects were approved for USD 28 million.

Regarding the main investment areas, the report from the Vice Ministry of Industry indicates that 84% is concentrated in the areas of food products, with 46%; chemicals and pharmaceuticals, with 27%; and metals and their manufactures, with 11%.

In terms of cumulative investment, projected investments amount to USD 196 million, of which investments of national origin are USD 117 million.

Jobs generated

In relation to the workforce, under Law 60/90, projects were approved with the prospect of creating 3,472 new jobs, thus exceeding by 113% the figure recorded in previous periods.

83% of the jobs accumulated by July were concentrated mainly in the food and beverage, plastics and their manufacturing, chemical and pharmaceutical sectors.

More than 93% of the projected jobs are concentrated in the areas of Central, Alto Paraná and Caazapá.

Regarding the location of these investments, the report highlights that 90% are located in the departments of Central, Alto Paraná, Paraguarí, Canindeyú and Capital, these being areas with the highest number of investments in recent years.

#Investments #Law #exceed #USD #million #July
2024-08-22 10:44:06



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