Investigations and administration or free TBE vaccine for children? – The light

The number of TBE cases in Gävleborg has doubled, reports P4 Gävleborg. It is a serious development that must be taken seriously.

TBE is an insidious virus. Most people who become infected become mildly ill. But in some cases the disease is serious and in the worst case it can lead to death. There is no cure for the infected. The only thing that helps is getting vaccinated.

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Picture: Kallestad, Gorm

Unfortunately, the vaccine is expensive and it is not yet included in the vaccine program that is offered free of charge to children. We social democrats have now for some time pushed for Region Gävleborg to offer free TBE vaccine for children. Many parents simply cannot afford to vaccinate their children for upwards of SEK 1,500 per child. It becomes a matter of class to be able to protect your children against infection. We social democrats cannot accept such a development.

As you know, politics is about prioritizing. SD, M, KD and the Health Care Party (SVG), which governs Region Gävleborg, choose to prioritize more or less costly investigations and administrative tasks. It can be about everything from climate protection and hospice; most recently, SD, M, KD and SVG have spent more than 1.2 million (!) on investigating a privatization and sale of all health centers in the county. These extensive financial resources could, of course, have been used differently.

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We Social Democrats prioritize free TBE vaccines for children over costly investigations.

Jan Lahenkorva (S), second vice-chairman of the Health and Medical Services Board

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