2023-09-18 13:26:00
In Californiathe Alameda County Public Health Department, in coordination with the California Public Health Department (CDPH), is investigating an outbreak of shigellose likely associated with a union delegate convention hosted at the Westin Bonventure Hotel in downtown Los Angeles from August 21-24, 2023.
It is estimated that more than 300 participants came from all over California. As of August 31, 2023, CDPH is reporting six cases of shigellosis from four California local health authorities among event attendees, including Alameda County residents.
In at least three cases six, the search for the presence of Shigella by PCR was positive; culture and further subtyping are pending. The disease broke out on August 25 and 23; at least two patients were hospitalized.
Source : Outbreak News Today
#California #shigellosis #epidemic #probably..