Investigation into Illegal Surveillance and Human Rights Violations by Military Forces: Truth and Reconciliation Committee

2023-09-13 23:00:30

The temple is believed to be the son of Jang Jeong-hwan, the representative of the North Korean Military Armistice Commission.
A new person with the same name… Truth and Reconciliation Committee decides to investigate the truth

Panmunjeom Military Armistice Commission in 1991. Representatives of the UN forces and communist representatives are shaking hands. Investigators from the Army’s counterintelligence and security forces determined that the wrong person was the son of the communist representative of the Military Armistice Commission and conducted surveillance and illegal inspections for 14 years. Hankyoreh file photo

Mr. Jang was under military surveillance and surveillance for 14 years from around 1962 to around 1975. The Army’s counterintelligence and security forces continued to inspect Mr. Jang, a civilian, under the belief that Mr. Jang’s father, who defected to North Korea during the Korean War, was North Korean Major General Jang Jeong-hwan, the chief communist representative to the 5th Military Armistice Commission in 1961. However, Jang’s father and Jang Jeong-hwan, who was the chief communist representative of the Military Armistice Commission, had different birth dates, places of birth, education, and experience, and the Chinese character notation of their names did not match. The Truth and Reconciliation Commission on Past Affairs (Truth and Reconciliation Committee), at its 62nd plenary committee meeting on the 12th, judged three ‘illegal surveillance and guilt-by-association cases’, including Mr. Jang’s case, as serious human rights violations and decided to investigate the truth. The day was revealed. The Truth and Reconciliation Commission said, “It was revealed that the Army’s counterintelligence and security units deviated from the legitimate scope of their duties to collect and manage victims’ sensitive personal information indefinitely, and that the victims suffered extreme mental suffering, including frequent moving, due to social pressure.” . Jang Jung-hwan, who served as the chief communist representative to the Military Armistice Commission from 1961 to 1964, is known as the uncle of Jang Song-taek, the uncle of North Korean leader Kim Jong-un, who was executed in 2013. The Truth and Reconciliation Commission apologized to the state for any damage caused by illegal surveillance and inspection and recommended that appropriate reconciliation measures be taken. The Truth and Reconciliation Committee also judged the case of human rights violations, such as illegal detention and torture in violation of anti-communist laws, filed by Mr. Lee, who worked at Ssangyong Cement’s Yeongwol plant in 1980, as a serious violation of human rights, and recommended a retrial, etc. At the time, Mr. Lee, while talking with his colleagues at a restaurant, was arrested at the Yeongwol Police Station and sentenced to one year in prison for allegedly benefiting the anti-state group by praising and encouraging the activities of North Korea and its member Kim Il-sung. This is a case in which he was sentenced to two years of probation and one year of suspension. In the conversation, Mr. Lee said, “These days, only President Chun Doo-hwan appears on TV all day, the people of the Republic of Korea are being deceived, North Korea is better, in fact, Chun Doo-hwan also cuts rice and Kim Il-sung also cuts rice, but only Chun Doo-hwan is praised.” The Truth and Reconciliation Commission investigated various materials, including the judgment, investigation and trial records, and the investigator’s personnel record card, and conducted a statement investigation of the applicant, eight witnesses, and the investigator at the time. As a result, Mr. Lee was arrested at least 10 years ago in 1980. It was confirmed that he was illegally detained for 13 days from February 30th to November 11th, 1980, when the arrest warrant was issued, and that he was subjected to harsh treatment such as waterboarding and coercion to make false statements during the investigation. Reporter Go Gyeong-tae
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