Investigating the Resignation of Vincent Van Quickenborne and Annelies Verlinden: The Impact of Missed Extradition Request and Interpol Report

2023-10-21 17:26:00

Justice Minister Vincent Van Quickenborne announced his resignation on Friday evening during a press conference organized in the presence of Brussels Attorney General Johan Delmulle.

This resignation follows information gathered this Friday at 9:00 a.m. concerning the author of the attack committed in Brussels on Monday evening. On August 15, 2022, Tunisia requested the extradition of Abdessalem Lassoued. But this request, transmitted on September 1, 2022 by the FPS Justice to the Brussels public prosecutor’s office, was not processed. The competent magistrate did not respond to this extradition request.

Also read Resignation of Vincent Van Quickenborne: after the departure of the Minister of Justice, can we expect other resignations?

Following this revelation, are there other ministerial heads wavering this Saturday? Will Annelies Verlinden resign? Our political manager Martin Buxant delivered his analysis on RTL info 7 p.m. A priori, the Minister of Justice would have saved her skin and should not leave her post.

Annelies Verlinden, Belgium’s first cop, is a member of the CD&V, the Flemish Christian Democratic Party, and what she is accused of is missing the Interpol report on the future terrorist, a report launched at the request from Tunisia“, he notes.

Our police services have missed the mark, but the Minister of the Interior, a lawyer by training, is not giving up. If the Belgian police did not act, she explains, it is because the report of the Tunisians, which dates from July 2022, was not clear and mentioned facts such as an attempt to escape, facts in minor quotes, which did not place the future terrorist on the radar of our police officers. It is therefore the fault of the Tunisians. In short, it should pass through the drops.” explains our expert.

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Vincent from quickenborne Annelies Verlinden

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