Invasive Streptococcus: New instructions to doctors after the deaths in Ilia

It has caused great concern in our country the outbreak of invasive streptococci type A, especially after the deaths from the virus.

According to information from, in the coming days the National Public Health Organization (EODY) is expected to proceed with issuing new instructions to the Medical Associations of the whole country.

The instructions will focus in the most effective differential diagnosis of cases through more frequent strep tests, but also the need to immediately administer antibiotics to children who show symptoms.

EODY addresses the doctors of the entire territory and not only of it Iliasin which the two sudden deaths were recorded within a few days of each other

However, according to the first indications, the two fatal incidents do not seem to be related to each other.

“From the investigation we have done so far, there is no correlation”says a senior official of the EODY speaking to and adds: “It seems to be a simple coincidence, as both people who ended up are from different areas. One from Livadia, the other from Igoumenitsa. One even got infected before he was in Ilia”, he emphasizes.

With the guidance of the EODY, health professionals are asked to intensify their attention to the diagnosis and treatment of streptococcal infections, especially in children, in order to reduce the risk of serious complications and deaths from this rare but dangerous infection.

Meanwhile, the investigation of people who show symptoms continues this week, with the strep test in the Emergency Department (ED) of the Hospital Ilias. So far, only one case of streptococcal infection has been identified in the 80 cases tested.

Dora Psaltopoulou: “Prompt antibiotic administration by the doctor, where and when needed, can be lifesaving”
Commenting on the latest developments, Dora Psaltopoulou, Professor of Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine at the EKPA School of Medicine, points out that the issuance of the new guidelines is moving in a positive direction.

“Parents should be especially careful when children show fever and symptoms of pharyngo-tonsillitis. A simple strep test at the specialist doctor can help in early diagnosis and prevent serious complications,” he advised.

He also noted that in cases of a positive result, the immediate administration of antibiotics can be life-saving.

With data showing that invasive strep infection remains rare but dangerous, the new EODY guidelines are expected to help reduce cases and protect the most vulnerable populations, such as children.

“We are raising the issue because it is an infectious disease that has an immediate end. That is, one moment you are fine and the next you get an infection and in a few hours you die. Otherwise, the possibility is very rare and in the risk of death that we have every day with the 300 deaths, the possibility of death from streptococcus is infinitesimal”, she emphasizes.

The reasons for the increase in cases are unclear
Ms. Psaltopoulou pointed out that although there is an increase in cases, the reasons remain unclear.

“We don’t have enough epidemiological data to fully understand the increase in invasive strep, especially after the coronavirus pandemic,” he said, adding that there may be a burden on the immune system due to prolonged mask use and lack of exposure to viruses in recent years. of the coronavirus pandemic.

Despite the alarming picture, the Professor emphasized that deaths from invasive strep remain extremely rare. According to the EODY data, from the beginning of 2024 until today, 48 incidents (21 children and 27 adults) have been recorded in our country. Of these patients, 12 died (3 children and 9 adults).

Accordingly, in 2023, 90 cases were reported, of which 23 died (9 children and 14 adults).

“In Greece we have about 300 deaths daily from various causes, and 20 deaths from COVID-19 per week. So 25 deaths per year from invasive strep is not a big number,” noted the Professor, adding that the risk remains extremely low compared to other causes of death.

Ms. Psaltopoulou stressed that the increase in invasive strep cases may be due to several factors, including the deterioration of the immune system due to the pandemic and the prolonged use of masks that limited exposure to other viruses.

There is a burden on the immune deficiency and we become more susceptible to invasive streptococcal infection,” he noted.

Finally, he underlined the importance of following basic hygiene rules, such as good hand washing and avoiding contact with people showing symptoms of respiratory infections.

“On symptoms, we go to do a strep test at a specialist doctor” she emphasized, adding that at the same time it is good to be tested for COVID-19 and flu.

Source: Iatropedia

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