Invasion of Residence: Traumatizing Encounter with a Neighbor Sparks Criminal Case and Harassment Charges

2023-06-27 14:58:00

Last October, a resident of Libramont had an experience for which she is still traumatized. Back home, late in the night, the lady found a neighbor in her apartment. The man had not broken into it but had used a master key to open the door.

First occupant of the building following its construction, he had had in his possession this special key, opening all the doors, for works and had kept it.

Arrested by the police, the man will explain that he entered his neighbor’s house because he “just wanted to talk to her”.

He will explain, later, that he wanted to discuss possibilities of promotions on sodas in a store – his neighbor being commercial – or to inform his neighbor that the son of this one smoked cannabis.

And this Tuesday, it was before the criminal court of Neufchâteau that the man found himself to answer for this “night visit” for invasion of residence. The defendant is also prosecuted for harassment of several neighbours.

The man is described by several neighbors as someone spying on them as soon as they get home, sending them requests to be friends on Facebook without really knowing them or commenting on their photos. This is not disputed by the defendant, but justifies this by the wish to be in contact as he does with acquaintances.

Not enough to convince the public prosecutor. “Monsieur says he used the key by chance but the analysis of his telephone shows that he has done research in particular on the concept of intrusion”, notes the representative of the prosecution, the substitute Léa Clarinval. In all, five ladies mentioned the attitude of their neighbor. The public prosecutor is asking for a one-year prison sentence and a fine of €300 to increase decimes with regard to the defendant

“My client may have been insistent.”

In defense, Me Frédéric Urbaing can only note that the nocturnal intrusion using the master key did indeed take place. And that his client can only be found guilty of a form of home invasion for this fact. But when it comes to harassment, the lawyer believes the ladies may have charged his client.

“The behavior of the gentleman may have caused some fear and the neighbors spoke to each other, says Me Urbaing. As for contact requests or photo comments, that’s how Facebook works. Even if it’s true that my client may have been insistent.”

The council nevertheless recognizes that the defendant must be supervised and monitored. Reason why the suspension or reprieve with probationary conditions is requested.

Judgment August 22.

#Libramont #breaks #neighbors #house #night #wanted #talk



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