Introduction to the “Lebanon TV” news bulletin:
The flames of verbal screens extinguished its fire from Baabda Palace with a morning meeting that brought the President of the Republic to the Prime Minister, who spread an optimistic atmosphere regarding the imminent convening of the Council of Ministers, announcing President Aoun’s approval to sign a decree to open an exceptional session of Parliament immediately. President Aoun also signed today sixteen laws that were Parliament It was approved in its last session.
Cooling the atmosphere, accompanied by well-informed circles, confirming that the atmosphere of the meeting between the presidents of the republic and the government was good, and that the trend refers to the call for the Council of Ministers to convene in the coming days, starting first from the door of the draft budget for the year 2022..
Informed circles indicated that there was a settlement that was already launched along with the preparations for the call for the extraordinary session of the House of Representatives, so the Council of Ministers convened next. They also pointed out that it is self-evident that following those two atmospheres, the one who presents the draft budget is the Minister of Finance, with reference to
In this context, the Minister of Finance belongs to the Shiite component in the government.
Today, the Maronite bishops demanded the inclusion of the current urgent national obligations according to the order of priorities, the first of which is to prepare the appropriate atmosphere for holding the parliamentary elections and then the presidential elections.
In the epidemiological file, and in the midst of the frightening rise in injuries and deaths in Corona, the Prime Minister chaired the meeting of the Ministerial Committee to follow up on the Corona epidemic, following which an emphasis was placed on the decision taken by President Mikati regarding the mandatory vaccination or conducting PCR examinations for workers in the health, educational, security and public administration sectors, provided that there is an emphasis In applying this…
Each of the Ministers of Health and Education accepted the challenge in the decision to return to schools in attendance. Minister Al-Halabi said, “There is no choice but with attendance education, and there will be a safe return to schools, while the White Minister stressed that closing schools constitutes a disaster in these circumstances, and that the mental health of students is the best for students.” She’s back to school.”
He added, “We will stress the implementation of the procedures issued, and we have provided 10,000 free PCR tests to the Ministry of Education, calling for the vaccination.”
Introduction to the NBN TV newscast:
A bilateral meeting between the President of the Republic, Michel Aoun, and the government, Najib Mikati, in the presence of… So, a presidential communication with Parliament Speaker Nabih Berri by phone… So, Mikati announced an agreement to sign a decree to open an extraordinary session of Parliament immediately.
And because the signature of the signature reminds, President Aoun signed today 16 laws that were approved by the House of Representatives some time ago, and the laws were referred to the Official Gazette for publication, while the Prime Minister assured the public sector employees and public administrations that they will be released today
The financial benefits that were previously promised
Mikati announced from Baabda that the general budget for the year 2022 is ready, and that as soon as he receives it within the next two days, it will become necessary for the Council of Ministers to meet to approve it and refer it to the House of Representatives
While no date has been established for a safe return to the Council of Ministers due to the failure to withdraw the reasons for not holding it, the Ministers of Health and Education Firas Al-Abyad and Abbas Al-Halabi confirmed the acceptance of the challenge and the move forward with a safe return to attendance teaching in parallel with the strictness in the precautionary measures.
This measure comes following what Lebanon witnessed in recent days of the increase in infections, which exceeded five thousand injuries per day, due to two things: the first is the most widespread omicron, and the second is the results of gatherings during the festive period.
Living with a popular concern that applies to electric power lines, in light of the talk regarding an attempt to raise the tariff on a proposal from the Minister of Energy and Water, without any real study, without the approval of the Electricité du Liban, and without taking into account the low-income people, and without raising the daily hours of electricity supply, which was denounced by the Central Labor Office. in the Amal movement, especially since such a measure may lead to more waste and more impoverishment that will affect poor and middle-income families
Electorally, the Minister of Interior and Municipalities, Bassam Mawlawi, issued a circular regarding the deadlines for submitting nomination permits, withdrawing them, and registering lists for the parliamentary elections, starting next Monday morning and ending in mid-March inclusive.
Introduction to Al-Manar TV news bulletin:
An extraordinary session of Parliament, and a government budget for the current year. Will they be a prelude to a judicial and political balance that leads to a government meeting? From the Baabda Palace, there was talk of positivity following a meeting between Presidents Michel Aoun and Najib Mikati and their contact with President Nabih Berri, and under the custody of the Prime Minister was optimism, which began with announcing the opening of an extraordinary session of Parliament and reached the point of talking regarding an invitation to the cabinet meeting soon.
Does Prime Minister Mikati have anything to overcome the obstacles that blocked the cabinet? Was the decision taken to correct the judicial deviation that affected the investigations at the port of Beirut? Everyone hopes for this, and the answer is in the custody of the next few days in the difficult Lebanese days, a sharp rise in economic pressure that reached thirty thousand Lebanese pounds once morest the dollar, and its repercussions not only ignited the oil cans, but also affected the loaf of the poor, which is stuck between the owners of the bakeries and the pricing of the Ministry of Economy.
As for Sa’ir Omkaron, he is still smashing health security in Lebanon with the daily announcement of a high number of Corona injuries, most of which are from the new mutant. As for the dialogue of the concerned ministries, it came to announcing the return of the school year naturally next Monday, with the necessity of strictness with the required safety measures.
In occupied Palestine, the Zionist settlers demand that their leaders stop their media stunts and threats once morest the Islamic Republic of Iran, and they are helpless once morest the will of Hisham Abu Hawash, who broke the Israeli jailer and opened a new era of freedom protected by the arms and missiles of the resistance.
As for the dawn of the Yemeni desert, it increased the screaming and wailing of the people of the aggression, who are stuck every day under the weight of what the Yemenis reveal regarding field achievements documented by audio and video, which breaks the arrogance of the aggressors and gives them options.
Introduction to “Otv TV” news bulletin:
From Baabda, Prime Minister Najib Mikati surprised the Lebanese today with three good news:
The first news, the agreement to sign a decree to open an extraordinary session of the House of Representatives, and the second news, the call for the Council of Ministers to convene to approve the budget. As for the third news, the financial dues of employees in the public sector have been released, that is, half a month from November and half a month from last December.
Awaiting practical translation, especially on the broken cabinet line, a series of positions announced by President of the Republic, General Michel Aoun, today:
On the governmental issue, President Aoun expressed his deep concern over the fate of the government and the suspension of the work of the Council of Ministers, considering that the delay was a grave mistake.
On the issue of the relationship with the Speaker of the House of Representatives, the President of the Republic saw that the latter was accused of obstruction in many areas, stressing that his opposition had harmed the country, recalling that President Nabih Berri had told him explicitly that he would be opposed to his accession to the presidency of the first, pointing out that the opposition continued and appeared in more From an occasion, to the positions and accusations made by Representative Ali Hassan Khalil, which President Aoun described as lies and slander.
On the issue of the relationship with Saudi Arabia, especially following the last word of Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, things might have been calmer in the discourse towards the Kingdom. It is in Lebanon’s interest today to have a good relationship with it, and therefore the tone must be softened regarding it, the President of the Republic stressed.
As for the solution, it must start from somewhere, and dialogue may lead to this end, the President of the Republic continued, noting that the aforementioned dialogue is necessary in order to calm the internal atmosphere in preparation for urging foreign countries to help Lebanon. As for the refusal of some forces to him, it is an evasion of responsibility, the seal of the country’s president.
Introduction to the “mtv TV” news bulletin:
Students will return to their classrooms in schools, representatives will return to their seats in the parliament, and ministers may return to the cabinet table.
It’s triple back in one day. However, if the return of the students and representatives is almost certain, then the return of the ministers is not certain, given that Mikati’s calculations may not match the calculations of the Shiite duo.
The Prime Minister, who visited Baabda for the first time this year, said that the President of the Republic will sign a decree to open an extraordinary session of the House of Representatives. He also said that once he receives the general budget, he will call the Council of Ministers to convene.
All this is good in principle. But in practice, what regarding the position of the Shiite duo regarding what happened and what was said? So far, the information intersects when confirming that the duo, despite the contact that took place with Speaker Berri during the meeting in Baabda, will not break the decision to boycott the Council of Ministers before Al-Bitar’s “qabat”. Since Al-Bitar’s “sit” will not happen in principle, this means that the duo will not attend the cabinet session. So neither a new deal nor a settlement.
In this case, why did Mikati say that he would call for a session of the Council of Ministers, knowing that he repeated more than once that he would not call for a session without a charter? How does Mikati reconcile what he said more than once before today and what he said today? Was what was said regarding holding a session of the Council of Ministers just a smoke bomb and for media consumption, nothing more, nothing less? It is the most likely possibility.
It is also likely that my time will not change. He often says the thing and its opposite, and sometimes he does not hesitate to sell promises in the air.
At this time, while the system is floundering in its disputes, problems, settlements and deals, the dollar is on its unprecedented rise, and the socio-economic conditions are getting worse, but the pillars of the system only see their interests, and they only hear the sound of their absurd battles.
Therefore, O Lebanese, when the hour of reckoning comes, you should go back and vote for yourself!
Introduction to the LBCI TV news bulletin:
In order not to take matters more than they are, what happened between President of the Republic Michel Aoun and Prime Minister Najib Mikati, is nothing more than a search for necessities that necessitated two things:
Signing a decree to open a special session of the House of Representatives, and inviting Mikati publicly for the first time since his government’s work stopped to hold a session of the Council of Ministers.
In the information, Mikati, who, as a reminder, entered into the first public confrontation with Hezbollah once morest the backdrop of Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah’s attack on Saudi Arabia, did not coordinate any of these two steps with the Amal and Hezbollah duo, so that no communication took place between Mikati and the two parties, which makes The hypothesis of linking what happened to the regular return of life to the government is inaccurate, especially since the circumstances surrounding the suspension of the work of the Council of Ministers have not changed, and here we are talking, of course, regarding linking the return of government work to the investigation file into the port explosion.
Therefore, when does Mikati call for a government session?
This is supposed to happen, as soon as he receives the budget from the Minister of Finance, Youssef Khalil, who is considered close to the Amal movement. Will Khalil attend the session because without him there is no discussion of the budget, its significance, or its numbers?
And if Khalil attends, will the five ministers affiliated with Amal and Hezbollah attend, or will a number of them attend? Will the budget session be an orphan session or not even be? Note that approving the budget is the first condition of the International Monetary Fund?
Amal sources told lbci that when the prime minister receives the budget, every incident becomes a conversation.
The government’s talk is different from the opening of the special session of the House of Representatives, for it is true that Baabda never announced that it was once morest opening it, but it is also true that Parliament Speaker Nabih Berri had obtained until yesterday the signatures of regarding thirty deputies on a petition calling for the session to be opened, and he wanted to continue this The confrontation is aimed at obtaining the signatures of the absolute majority of deputies, which, if it happened, would oblige the President of the Republic to open the session. Is this the actual reason for signing the decree, or is the need for the parliament to keep pace with the reform laws also required by the IMF to soften the position of the President of the Republic?
All of these questions are legitimate, and an explosive question was added to them tonight:
Where did the 60 million dollars, which travelers paid to and from Lebanon in fresh dollars, go, and the Lebanese University was supposed to charge ninety percent of it for the fresh PCR tests, which did not happen?
A question was raised today in the ministerial committee session related to Corona, and it will interact in the coming hours, especially since the Prime Minister asked the President of the Lebanese University, Bassam Badran, to continue all administrative methods to collect this money and the fresh $.
There are many explosive files these days, and perhaps the most painful are the testimonies of the young men of Tripoli regarding their experience with ISIS.
Introduction to “Al Jadeed TV” news bulletin:
Lebanon patented the discovery of Florona, one of the new variants of the marriage of Corona and influenza, by recording the first infection on its lands two weeks ago, and it was kept secret. However, the Minister of Health, following the meeting of the Corona Ministerial Committee in the Saraya, downplayed the importance of the matter, despite revealing forty-five injuries, and on the white scale, there is no need to panic. And symptoms of Florona do not exceed the risk of symptoms of the mother virus. But precaution is required.
The spreading fever stirred frozen blood in political veins, and at the time of Najib, the curtain fell on one of the plays with a bilateral meeting that brought together Aoun Mikati and Berri was the third, and in the meeting the heat returned to the lines of wired communication between Baabda and Ain al-Tineh.
According to the new information, as soon as the President of the Republic agreed to sign the decree to open the special session of the House of Representatives, Mikati Berri phoned and passed the conversation to Aoun.
Mikati performed the miracle with a miraculous solution, and Baabda sources confirmed to Al-Jadeed that Aoun’s position is not to be traded with for any other demand, but rather is a position that stems from the conviction not to disrupt the work of institutions in the country.
However, what is written reads between the lines of the agreement and the devils dwell in the details of the deal and the deal requires a cabinet meeting with two items: the special session and the general budget, so the crisis in the trial of representatives and ministers is transferred to the House of Representatives for the Bitar text to be held in the special session and immediately followed by the ordinary contract and thus immunity remains above the heads of the defendants to God willing, the general budget is approved, leading to an agreement on sharing the spoils in appointments.
Here emerges the deal in which Baabda sources dropped the barter charge once morest the President of the Republic. With tangible evidence, the famous session in which the Shiite duo disrupted the government with the fist of Minister Mohamed Mortada, was held in protest of President Aoun.